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One Year Later


(Stavos' rebuilt English manor-------->)

**A/N- well folks another journey completed, thank you all so much for your support. This is bittersweet for me. I am warning you this chappie is intense meant to be read in private...lol and severe nosebleeds may occur. Until next time, I love and appreciate all of you, xoxo Dianna***

My breath puffed out between my parted lips and formed like little plumes of smoke in the frigid air outside. I dashed through the dense foliage of shrubbery and trees surrounding our mate's rebuilt countryside home as I tried to catch up to my wayward twin. I swore that when I do catch Ayden, I'm going to wring his neck for putting us in this situation.

Over the last few months Ayden has become so fascinated with our mate's inner beast that he has been trying to provoke our mate on purpose in hopes that he unleashes his darker side and ravishes us as he did back when we had first encountered him. His obsession began the very night Stavos had destroyed the council and returned to us for the first time as his inner protector. As our mate remained entrenched in his darker personality he had spent almost two days claiming us in every which way possible.

Stavos as his beast was more dominating than usual, he needed and demanded more from us in the bedroom. He needed to push our limits, he needed us to submit totally to him, and we did. It took a greater part of two utterly blissed out days for us to recuperate from his attentions, even with our vampire abilities.

Ayden had started craving a repeat of that night, he talked about it non stop and has now taken it upon himself to see if he can draw out our mate's dark side.The little fucker has spent the majority of the last couple of days being a total brat and teasing Stavos to the point of distraction, and I'm the idiot that went along with his plan at first. That was until my so called sibling, the one everyone thought was the, "innocent one," decided to poke the beast even further by giving Nikolai a searing goodbye kiss on the lips before the shocked man had to run for his life when Stavos let loose in the middle of the airport's tarmac. Thank God Nikolai had managed to board the jet that would take him to some friends in Rome with all his limbs and his life still intact.

So now here we were, running through the pitch black woods surrounding our home trying to escape our furious mate's wrath as he systematically stalked us. I knew the monster was playing with us because if Stavos really wanted to catch us, he was more than capable of doing so, especially since dear sweet little Ayden had succeeded in awakening our mate's warrior personality.

I crashed through the hedges surrounding the perimeter of the house and my eyes immediately narrowed as I watched my brother scurry around the side if the mansion as he headed for the back yard. I had a mind to leave him out here by himself to deal with the predator that Stavos has become. The beast was herding us to exactly where he wanted us, and damn if my hot little entrance didn't clench up tight at the thought of what he is going to do to us when he captures us. By now, I knew our mate was in dire need of some stress relief and in this form, it is guaranteed that we are going to be crippled for a few days after our love is finished with us.

We have been spending a majority of our time in England after the fall of the ancients. Once word had gotten out about their demise, representatives from the different covens came from all over to see for themselves if the rumors were true. A majority of them were relieved, but there were those few that were set in their ways and felt like they should make a play to start a new council, but Stavos quickly shot their delusions of grandeur to hell and when they realized just who he was no one questioned him after that. Instead of choosing privileged few, Stavos had implemented the plan that all the coven leaders are to meet frequently and together they will work out their problems and become each other's support system and so far, it has been working stupendously and everyone was happy.

Our Total Submission (Vampire, manxman)**Vamps Book 2**Where stories live. Discover now