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Dylan Parker, my sworn enemy. Through the years we have known each other, we have never gotten along. We always fought about everything, whether it was for a certain seat on the bus or what soda was the best tasting.

Our families have never gotten along either. My father told me once, that a long time ago when he was a child that Dylan's father Carson, and him were best friends. They were best friends for years. They were really close, so close, that they didn't have any secrets from each other. Well one day, this girl comes along, and I think her name was Amanda, but anyway, my father and Carson both liked her. Throughout their high school years, they slowly got closer and closer to Amanda. Without each other knowing, they were planning on making a move on her. Well, my father asked her out before Carson did, and let me tell you, he got pissed. They both got into a huge fight about her. They made a pact that they wouldn't make a move on her, but they both were going to go against that pact.

From there on, their friendship kind of went downhill. They started fighting about girls and stupid things like that. Carson started to sleep with random girls from their school, to cope with his anger with my father. Carson kind of forgot about Amanda, so this gave my father the opportunity to go out with her. Well, they went out that night, and it just so happened that Carson was at the same movie theatre with some girls for the same movie. They both saw each other and Carson got livid, and went full-on Karen in the middle of the theatre, in the middle of the movie.

From that moment on, they ignored each other for the rest of the year. After the new year started, Carson started to get more noticed in school. He started to get high all the time and started drinking more and more. Of course, my father didn't like this, and even though they weren't friends, he wanted to be a good person and just tell Carson that he's destroying himself. After my father told Carson that, he took huge offense to it and tried to strangle my father. Now, don't ask me why, but I'm pretty sure that Carson was drunk that night, and really just didn't want to hear that he was too crazy from a person that hurt him.

So yeah, that's pretty much how that started. My father and Carson got pretty wealthy over the years. Carson picked himself up after high school ended and got into the stock market. My father got into the construction line of work and made some pretty cool buildings. They both fought more and more over time though. Even though they were in totally different lines of work, they still crossed paths from time to time.

They both found the mafia side of work, and kind of started working into it as a side job. They both found it from an old friend from high school that they were both friends with.

Carson has two sons and a beautiful wife. His wife's name is Abby, and his two sons are Dylan and Max. Max, is actually pretty nice, we talk sometimes at school, but Dylan, he hates me, and I can say the same for him. He has a huge ego and likes to be heard.

My family, is just me, Blaire, my dad, Austin, and my two sisters Rylie and Katie. My mom died when I was ten. She never liked the idea of the mafia. She and my dad always fought, but they always promised us that they wouldn't get a divorce. My parents are very different, because they were always nice to us, even when we did something wrong. They rarely ever yelled at us, and never usually got mad at us.

I guess you could say my life was perfect. I was popular in school, I had good grades, I had a good family, we were a wealthy family, we lived in a big house in a nice neighborhood. I had the whole package. Notice the word 'had' though, you can lose it all, as fast as you could get it.


When my mom died, my family kind of fell into a depression, she was our world. My dad started to drink, but nothing abusive. My sisters weren't really around that much, so I couldn't really talk to anyone.

I had a couple of friends at school that I occasionally talked to, but they never understood me because they still the picture-perfect lives. After my father got into the mafia, Carson and he started fighting more and more. Soon after, we started getting involved. I and my sisters would always fight with Dylan and Max. But at school, we pretended like we haven't even spoken before. My father told me to keep the business on the down-low in public, and I'm guessing Carson told Dylan and Max to do the same.

At school, well let's just say, if Max, Dylan, and I ever crossed paths, I think only one of us would walk out of that school alive.

My father trained me in combat and fighting. He always told me that I need to know self-defense because people like to target the more wealthy. I can't blame him for being so careful. Although he is pretty messed up for putting his family in danger, he does care for us.

I think Dylan and Max both are training as well. My father and Carson have always thought alike. Meaning that whatever my father thought was good for his mafia, would probably be close to the same thing as what Carson would think. It's kind of like fighting a clone of yourself except they are completely different people.

Carson doesn't like me that much. He likes my sisters more than me. I know that sounds weird but it's true. My sisters have always been nicer to that family than I ever have. I think it's because my father always laid down all the bad things that Carson did to him when they were in high school on me at such a young age. Of course, I would take my father's side in the story because he's my father.

Carson isn't that nice to me, he has gone out of his way to do anything to annoy me. He once made one of his minions put a chicken in my closet. That chicken was in there for a little while and it died. I have always thought that it was weird that Carson which is two times older than me is messing with me.

I told my dad but he really didn't do much. I think he has it in the back of his head that Carson would never go out of his way to annoy a 19-year-old girl.

You're probably wondering at this point why I'm still in school. Well, there is this special school that people like me and Dylan and Max go to. Our families pay extra for us to go to classes in combat, shooting/aiming, and how to be a good "leader".

I always paid attention to this stuff, and even though I can drop out at any time, that would be a way of telling Carson and his family that I'm not learning anything new. If Carson's family gets ahead of me in combat and aiming, then I'm done for. My sisters stepped out of the mafia line of work and moved to the other side of the country. They wanted to be as far away from the family as possible. They practically abandoned me.

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