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Logan drove me back to my place. He walked me inside and into my bedroom.

"How can you be so careless?" He asked laying me down in the bed.

"I don't know, I just wanted to have some fun," I said.

"Did you and Levi do anything?" He asked out of the blue. I guess he was just curious.

"Oh you know, we kissed, had sex, you know that stuff," I said already half asleep.

"You had sex with him?" He asked furiously.

"Yup, and it was amazing!" I exclaimed forgetting who I was talking to. The last thing I remember from that night was Logan leaving furiously out of my house.


The next morning I woke up to my stupid alarm clock. The sound filled my head making me a bit dizzy. I got out of bed and stumbled over to the bathroom. I got my clothes on and brushed my hair.

I walked down the stairs and walked out of the house. I heard footsteps behind me so I looked behind me and saw Annie. "Hey!" I said.

"Hey," she said looking down to the ground.

"Are you still sad about Asher?" I asked.

"Well that, and that my dad grounded me for life," she exaggerated.

"I'll sneak you out whenever you want," I smiled. "Don't pout about Asher," I said. "He isn't worth it," I said.

"I guess so," she said still looking at the ground.

We made it to the bus stop. Annie was quiet, so I just decided not to talk either. I guess my mind was still going round and round about last night. Levi and I really connected, even though I was drunk. He respected me until I told him not to. The bus finally came, Annie and I got onto the bus and sat next to each other. I felt Dylan's gaze on me, he always stared, he never really spoke to me.

The bus made it to the school, everyone got out and walked up the walkway to the school. Annie and I walked into the school and whispers went around the hall like wildfire. I don't know who they were talking about though, it could have been me or Annie. We walked into our first period. Logan was sitting on his desk. His eyes met mine as I walked through the door. I quickly looked away and sat down in my seat.

I went through the lesson struggling to stay awake. "Blaire, may I speak to you out in the hall?" He asked setting his book down.

"Sure," I said getting up and following him out of the room. He closed the door behind me, "What?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Why did you have sex with Levi?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know, I was drunk, and he likes me," I said trying to explain.

"I can't believe you!" He said throwing up his hands in the air.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed. "I didn't really mean to!" I added.

"Okay, ill make a deal with you," He said.

"Okay..." I said curiously.

"You fail this quiz, you cant sleep with Levi again, and if you pass, then you get to sleep with him," Logan said.

I thought for a moment. He was really hurt. "Sure," I said.

Logan opened the door and walked back into the classroom. I followed after him, everyone's eyes fell on me. I sat back down, and Logan started passing out the quizzes. I had no idea what I was doing. I knew nothing on the quiz, so I knew I was screwed. I turned in my quiz and Logan gave me a smirk. He must have noticed my anger on the quiz earlier when we started.

"For the rest of the period I want you all to go over the quiz with a partner," Logan said sitting down the stack of papers on his desk. He grabbed one of the stacks and started flipping through the pages. A smirk appeared on his face. He walked over to his desk and sat down. I got up and went over to Annie, she was almost asleep so I shoved her arm off the desk.

"You can't sleep in here," I said trying to imitate a teacher. She gave me a slight smile.

"I'm guessing you failed too?" I asked grabbing the desk next to me and pulling it closer to her desk.

"Failed bad," She smiled stretching her arms out.

"You still pouting about Asher?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"You realize that if he sees you like this, he wins," I said trying to comfort her. "And we don't want that," I smirked.

"Blaire, can you come over here?" He asked. My attention turned to Logan, his smirk was evil.

I got up and walked over to his desk. "So?" I asked.

"You failed so bad Blaire," He smirked. I could feel his hand around my thigh.

"My place, tonight, at 4," He said looking up at me.

"Looking forward to it," I said walking away.

"So?" Annie asked giving Logan a nasty look. She didn't know about him and me. I kept our relationship on the down-low.

"Failed miserably," I smiled.

"You don't care?" She asked.

"Who am I going to show it to? My nonexistent father?" I asked sarcastically.

I went through that day thinking about what was going to happen at Logan's house. Maybe he would punish me, or maybe it would be like before when he watched me. Levi didn't talk to me, neither did he even try to. He didn't even look at me during lunch, maybe Logan said something to him. I hope not.

I walked out of the school and got onto the bus with Annie. The moment we sat down, she fell right asleep. She didn't have a good night, with her dad hearing about the party. We got off of the bus and slowly walked to our houses not making a single word. I walked into my house expecting it to be empty, but there were fathers standing at the top of the stairs.

"Blaire," He said coming down the steps slowly.

"Yes?" I asked sheeting down my backpack at the door. "We have an issue," He said making it to the bottom of the stairs.

"And what issue is that?" I asked turning my attention to him.

"Carson tried killing pod 28 last night," he said.

"Really?" I asked surprised. Carson hasn't made a move on our pods in a while. In case you don't kn0w, pods are groups of mafia members, usually assigned for one special job that makes the mafia work.

"Yes, and he almost killed all of them," He said. "We need to do something," He added.

"Well you could try killing off one of his pods," I suggested. "Do you know which one is the most important?" I asked.

'Well usually the most important pod is pod 96, and that's the protectors of the leaders," He said rubbing the back of his head.

'Then maybe set up a team to go after that pod," I said walking past him up the stairs.

"Blaire, are you doing anything today?" He asked turning around.

"I'm going over to Logan's," I said turning around.

"He's back in town?" He asked.

"Yep," I said turning back around and walked back up the stairs.

I changed out of the horrible uniform I was in and got on some sweats. About 20 minutes later, I went back downstairs and got on my shoes.

"I'm going!" I yelled out. There was no response, he must have left.

I walked out of the house and made my way down the sidewalk to Logan's house, I don't think I was ready for what he was going to do to me...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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