Useless Paddle

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The shore of the island was gone. The sea started growing calmer, and the night sky became darker. Tristan and Savannah sat in a small, cramped up lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. They kept paddling, though Tristan's arm was getting sorer and sorer by the second. "Savannah, you take over paddling." He handed her the paddle and they swapped seats. They had sunburns everywhere, which made them very uncomfortable. Savannah had a big red sunburn on the hole of her shirt that the mace chopped off, along with her ponytail. They continued on their journey, hoping that the Minori shore would be in sight soon
It was the middle of the night. Tristan was half asleep. Savannah was paddling still, as she was wide awake. She kept paddling, her speed growing faster and faster, as if that was going to do something. But it wasn't. It wouldn't get her home faster. Savannah had a long day. She needed some sleep. But she couldn't sleep like Tristan, with what was going on inside of her head. She was anxious, she was stranded in the middle of the ocean. The gentle waves soothed her, as the soft movement of the water seemed to be like a music of nature. She could finally relax, and laid down on the boat, still paddling lightly. Savannah realized they weren't going anywhere. She continued paddling but nothing was working. She paddled harder and harder and harder, but the boat went nowhere. She lifted the paddle and threw it on the boat, accidentally hitting Tristan, who woke up. "USELESS PADDLE!" She yelled in anger. She looked at the paddle and realized why the boat wouldn't go anywhere. It was broken. there was a bite mark, as if an animal had bitten into it. She looked into the navy, crystal water to find a shiver of hungry sharks swimming under their boat. Tristan was wondering what Savannah had been looking at, so he looked over into the water too. He saw the sharks swimming in the water, which startled him a lot. So much that he fell into the shark infested waters with a huge splash. Savannah gasped and leaned over to grab his hand, but he was too deep. He was sinking. Tristan realized he was in the water after leaving a state of shock, and started swimming back up to the surface. He made it but his foot was stuck on seaweed. He managed to get just his nose and mouth above water, with his head tilted back. Savannah was yelling something at him, but he couldn't hear her because his ears were submerged in the water.
He could make out the word arm and decided to lift up his arm for her to grab. She tugged on his arm trying to pull him out of the water. Savannah didn't pull him out, but Tristan's foot loosened up from the patch of seaweed and he was able to climb back into the boat. A shark charged at him, but Tristan made it onto the boat in time, and Tristan started paddling the boat by hand.
They made it out of the shark infested waters. They were tired. They were burned. They were sore. They were scared. The ocean was vast, and who knows how long they could be out at sea. But now they knew how long. And that time would end soon.

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