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Lisa felt that this matter was too strange.

If this man was someone from her uncle's side, then there was no need to be this mysterious, going so far as to even hurt a nurse!

"Is Jungkook aware of this?" Lisa asked while narrowing her eyes.

"We didn't dare tell Mr. Jeon! Because before that, Mr. Jeonhad arranged for a few groups of people to take turns to keep watch, but the people on shift were absent right before it happened, and they handed over the responsibility to the hospital. Who would have thought that something like this would happen so quickly? Thus, the hospital made sure not to let Mr Jeon know."

The young nurse's voice was getting softer and softer as she remembered the arrangement of the former head nurse.

"Seeing that you're Madam Ah's family, I feel obliged to tell you..."

The young nurse was beginning to panic due to her disclosing this supposedly classified information, and she quickly explained.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Lisa gently comforted her.

Lisa had a gut feeling that the man who did not want to reveal his face was probably her brother, Ten!

Mu Ten had been missing for two years, and no one knew about his whereabouts.

Their mother was in the hospital in critical condition, and his sister was trapped in prison, unable to attend to her. Therefore, it was only right that Lisa, the only son, check on his mother!

Nonetheless, why did he not openly reveal his face, instead choosing to sneak into the hospital in the middle of the night?

Marco had died, and the company had gone bankrupt and had already been liquidated. Even if the court pursued the matter, Marco was still listed as the legal representative of the company. The contents of the reports were also all tied to Marco, so there was no need for Ten to hide.

Mu Chenyan could not imagine who else, besides Jungkook, could cause her brother to cower in fear like this.

Furthermore, Lisa could not comprehend why Jungkook was still grabbing a hold of the Mu Family, unwilling to let them go.

Was it merely because of Eunha's death?

If that was the case, then Jungkook did not even need to let her out. Letting her suffer in prison would have been easier and crueler.

Lisa suddenly realized that the entire matter was not as simple as she initially thought.

There could be a secret part of the story that Lisa was not aware of!

A chill ran down Lisa's spine as it occurred to her that it took just one month for her case to turn around.

Taehyung had suddenly told her that the probability of success for her appeal was very high. At that time, Lisa did not have much hope.

She did not expect her case to be successfully overturned in one month, after which, she was acquitted and released...

'Last month, last month, could it really just be a coincidence?'

Lisa's mind was spinning...

At this moment, a bold guess suddenly formed in her mind!

'Could it be that Jubgkook was secretly looking for Ten, but after seeing his trail but failing to catch him, he let me out to act as bait?'

Lisa felt the temperature of her environment drop to zero when she thought of this.

She thought back to the days following her return. Jungkook's tender and sweet love toward her was something she had sought but had never acquired.

After coming out from that hell, Jungkook had never once brought up Eunha, instead, uncharacteristically ignoring the estrangement between the two whilst acting as though he was lusting for her. Could it be all be an act to pursue his hidden goal?

However, even though Lisa had been filled with hatred, she was not willing to believe that Jungkook's affection toward her was fake...

Her heart ached as if all her life force had been sucked out, and Lisa instantly felt like the room was spinning.

She leaned against the wall of the hospital corridor as her lips turned blue. The young nurse thought that she was feeling cold and so helped her to a seat.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Lisa waved her hand and spoke softly, "You can go back to your work. I'll be fine after resting for a bit!"

After the young nurse left, Lisa quietly went through the recent events. The more she thought about it, the more realistic her guess seemed!

She even discovered something - she had thought that her heart was dead, like stagnant water, but whenever a matter involving Jungkook arose, she would just have to involve herself in it.

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