9. Ocean - farewell

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Eddy's eyes were red, filled with tears.

"Her heart couldn't take it, Brett. She wasn't being melodramatic when she said she died of a broken heart. We tried putting her back twice but she just wouldn't stay in her body.. She didn't make it...."

"Oh no... shhhhh c'mere Eddy.. So..where is she now? As in, the Edwina that we knew, her spirit, where has it gone?"

"Brett.. I think she may have crossed over this time? At least she should know where she's going this time round. So she's not gonna get stuck in limbo like before. That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Brett wrapped his arms around Eddy.

"Yes Eddy, of course it is. Hey, we did our best and as unfortunate the result may be, perhaps it was just her time."

That afternoon Brett had locked himself up in the.. library, well, the second bedroom. When Eddy peered in to have a look, he noticed Brett had cast a spell to convert the room into a library by merging its space with the library from the magic world so that he could easily access potion books from his own home. Eddy would every so often knock on the door and ask if he could make Brett a cup of coffee or tea but Brett kept declining politely. Much later in the evening Brett finally emerged.

"Sorry Eddy, I was looking up some wizardry stuff, I didn't want to consume human drinks like coffee which could interfere with my spells."

"That's okay. Is everything alright now?"

Brett took Eddy's hand.

"Yeah. So, Eddy, come with me, I wanna go flying tonight"


"Eddy, would you please come flying with me tonight?"

"Brett, I wasn't hung up on the way you said it, I'm surprised you want to go flying.. where?"

"Well Eddy, I know you get anxious about the risk of being seen by humans but I think I can use a shield spell to avoid all those problems."

They arrived at a beach.  There was plenty of light from the full moon.

Eddy laid down on the sand as suggested by Brett, together, side by side as the duo gazed up into the sky.

"...Why did we come here, Brett?"

"I did some calculations.."


"Well..  I suppose it was more like a hunch."

"Yeah just a hunch, lah"

Eddy jolted in shock as he sat up.

"E, Edwina!?!?"

Brett got up on his elbows and smiled.

"So my hunch was right.. I had a feeling you'd come here when you cross over. I'm glad we got to meet you one last time Edwina."

"I grew up around here. This was my childhood favourite place."

"Oh Edwina, I'm so.. sorry we couldn't put you back... we tried.."

"Eddy, that's okay. I know you each tried. I woke up twice. After the first time, the hospital called my family so I got to see them when I woke up the second time. I got to say goodbye. They got to say goodbye. I'm very grateful."

"Hey, when you finally cross over, you won't be stuck in a weird place like our flat.. you'll get to see them from above from a much nicer place."

"Really Brett? That would be nice. I was kinda getting bored of that cupboard"

Brett stood up.

"Good bye Edwina. We had some really crazy times with you, but I'm glad you've found closure and you will be going to a better place."

"Thank you Brett. You are so, so gorgeous. Are you sure you don't wanna dump Eddy and come with me? We could attain nirvana together?"

Brett grinned.

"Thanks. Lovely offer. But sorry, I choose Eddy over any nirvana."

Eddy wasn't sure if he was crying because Edwina was crossing over or because of what Brett just said. His voice hitched as he struggled to get his words out.

"..Rest in peace, Edwina."

Edwina nodded and she started to walk away along the beach.

"Brett..? Isn't there gonna be some light, capturing her and taking her up into the high heavens?"

Brett chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Eddy's waist.

"What, like how UFOs abduct cows? You watch too much human TV, Eddy."

As Edwina stepped further away, her body faded till it was no longer visible.

"I think she's gone, Brett."

"Yeah, to a better place this time, Eddy."

Eddy wrapped his arm around Brett's shoulders and pulled him in close.



"Thank you for bringing me here.. after spending all that time working out her coordinates to find out where she was going to cross over.. that was no hunch...that would've been so much work."

"You're welcome Eddy."

Eddy tightened his hug.

"And Brett?"


"Thank you for choosing me over nirvana"

Brett hugged Eddy back.

"Anytime, in a heartbeat, Eddy."

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