Chapter 4 - The Marking Cermony

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⚠️Warning! 18+ Chapter⚠️

What had Inuyasha just said. They had to become mates. No way did this gorgeous omega in front of him want to mate with a failure of an alpha like him. Wait Inuyasha wanted him this wasn't right.

His mate even though she was fake had died before his eyes. Why would Inuyasha insist on becoming mates it was way too soon. Wait he's dying he must want to mate to save his life. Now it all made sense but still that meant they had too....

Koga blushed at the thought of being so intimate with his long lost crush. He truly had felt panicked when he strolled into the village to find Inuyasha long gone. The village felt taken over by the children of Sango and Miroku, there were just so many the poor woman must always be pregnant.

Suddenly a thought crossed Koga's mind. What would the counsel say when they found out about Ayame's death. What would her mate say. He couldn't just come home with another mate and there not be questions. Especially since wolves mostly only mate once.

Koga sighed, he really wished there was another option. He was sure Ginta and Hakkaku would come looking for him soon. Those two were already mated and Ginta was pregnant with their first pup, they didn't need the added stress of him going missing.

"Okay...I-I'll mate with you mutt."

Inuyasha cringed at the comment. Was that still all Koga viewed him as. He knew Koga only tolerated him cause he was helpful but to hear that again was heart breaking. He nodded before letting himself let go. He had to get into a state of pure ecstasy to mate with Koga. Why? Because he had to be in heat to mate and Inuyasha hadn't had a heat in months. His body had been so weak lately he had been surprised he had been able to carry Koga down the mountain.

Koga watched as Inuyasha got into a state of zen. He frowned that wouldn't work. He could barely smell the half-demons scent and he was no where near a state of ecstasy. Koga sighed he would have to do it himself, Inuyasha was too pure to understand this stuff.

Reaching his hand out from the warmth of the robe-top Koga tugged at Inuyasha's pants. This made the half-demon jump. Looking wildly at Koga, Inuyasha looked as if he would hit him. A wild blush swept across Inuyasha's face and in that instant Koga understood. Maybe there was something more then just saving him behind the white haired omegas actions. This wasn't the time for feelings though.

Koga motioned for Inuyasha too scoot closer and he listened. Suddenly Koga tugged down the front of Inuyasha's pants finding himself overwhelmed by the sweet smell Inuyasha gave off. He licked his lips this now this would get Inuyasha into ecstasy. Taking one deep breath Koga's face dove into the mess of slick and pre-cum and he lapped up every bit of it.

Inuyasha moaned and tried his hardest to keep his composure. Koga was really reaaalllly good at this for someone who was mated to a female omega. How did he know just where to go. Inuyasha's questioned was answered when Koga suddenly pulled back. Panting Koga seemed to be in absolute bliss. Inuyasha's dick twitched, so Koga swung that way as well.

Koga smiled up at the omega his own form hardening under his garments. He growled hungrily at Inuyasha as he could tell his plan had worked. Inuyasha was in full blown heat, it had never been this easy from what others had told him, something must be wrong with Inuyasha. The worried thought crossed his mind but he barely had time to think before Inuyasha was on top of him ripping his clothes off.

"Hey! Wait!" Koga called out briefly stopping the omega. Inuyasha was panting and heavily sweating his face flushed completely red.


"-That shouldn't have been so easy Inuyasha have you been-"

"-Mate me now and I'll explain everything later!"

Soon all Koga could feel was pure ecstasy as the Omega slipped Koga's thick cock in between plump cheeks. Over and over again Inuyasha rode him making the sweetest mewls Koga had ever heard. This was a first for both of them and neither could contain themselves.

Soon it was time and Koga felt the need to mark his lover. He growled and Inuyasha momentarily stilled his actions. Gold orbs met blue ones and in an instant there was an understanding. Inuyasha bent down exposing his neck to the alpha under him.

Koga licked his lips, Inuyasha was gorgeous mewling and wriggling just for him. He had to focus though they needed to become mates to save Koga's life not for love. Koga lunged forward and bit down into the soft flesh of Inuyasha's neck.

Inuyasha withered in pain, Koga had a very strong bite. A slight whimper escaped his throat. The pain soon turned into ecstasy as Inuyasha's instincts kicked in. He yanked away from Koga and dug his teeth into the flesh of Koga's shoulder.

Koga was surprised, not many omegas were brave enough to mark their alpha without permission. The ecstasy of the mating and bliss of the healing was starting to take effect.

Inuyasha collapsed in the ground next to Koga. The pair huddled close as the fluid dripping from them made them shiver. The pair never even noticed Koga cum inside Inuyasha.

Their eyes meeting they both leaned forward and shared a heartbreaking kiss. There truly was something between them but they still had to figure out how to explain it.


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