Chapter 3: Trust me?

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im writing this while watching the olympics lol currently mexico vs brazil. no idea who's gonna win 💜 here ya go :)))

Marabel POV
I still could not look up to meet either of their eyes. What did he just tell me? Fake bruise? Told myself to never let him hurt me again, here I am letting him break me with a few simple words. "I'll bring you guys a water, you know Marabel needs it." Agustin said while laughing. Felt like bullets in my heart hearing him speak. Diego turned to me with a hurt expression "Lets leave." he said getting up taking my hand. I immediately felt bad about ruining the night "No, it's fine we can eat" I replied.

"No let's go, I will not sit here while that man disrespects you in my face. No let's go."

Butterflies, forget my ex and how he hurt my feelings. What Diego said just made me forget all about it.

He took my hand and walked me out with our hands interlinked. He looked upset but yet confused. I feel like I have no other option but to be honest with him.

We got into his car and drove to a near by park. We did not say a single word to each other while driving. We sat on the swings and just enjoyed each other's presence. I felt stressed about telling him.

"You know, you don't have to tell me anything. I just want you to know that you can trust me. Even though we have know each other for maybe over a day. You can trust me"

My heart melted.

"He abused me"

Will he think it was my fault? Will he leave? Does that change his perspective of me? Will he be disgusted of me? The possibilities are endless in this situation.

"I cant say I understand your pain, but what I can say is that I can help you.I'll take care of you, you're not alone." he said while looking at me in my eyes. I knew he was being truthful with his words.

"I'll take time Diego, not that I don't trust you; I have never had anyone help me." It hurt me saying no to his offer but it was the truth.

"I'll wait, no need to feel obligated to accept now. I understand." He told me.

"You are truly an angel from god Diego, I am very grateful for you. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings." I told him while having tears flow down my face. He was quick to get up and give me a hug. " Oh no trust me you didn't, don't ever think you hurt me;okay? I am fine with waiting." He said while rubbing circles on my back while cried into his chest. Something about him made me feel very safe, ever since I first laid my eyes on him I knew I could be safe around him.

Love at first sight.

Did I ever used to believe in Love at first sight? No.

Do I now? Yes

Question was, is he in love with me?

We both got up and made our way back in to the car. I was the first to make conversation, I felt the need to brighten up the mood.

"What a first date that was, huh? I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, wouldn't have changed it for the world." He replied

Again butterflies was all I felt. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly with a tint of red color. He turned to look at me that cute grin he always has on.
Instead of driving me home, he took me to a taco stand. "How many do you want?" he asked. "4 de pastor" I told him while getting out my purse to give him money.
"No, i'm paying!"
"Are you sure? I have my money"
" Si, esta bien. Que quieres s a tomar?" "Doesn't matter. Gracias"
He shut the door and went to order for us. Tacos can always solve issues. He came back with his hands full of tacos.
"They we're fans so they hooked us up with tacos!"
"Woah!" We continued to open all the boxes up  to find a numerous amount of tacos. We sat in the car and ate our tacos in the parking lot while listening to Mexican music. Truly was the cherry on top for this amazing but sad date. He then drove me home.
We arrived back to house, it was time for me to go. "Thank you for tonight it was amazing even with everything that happened, sorry it kind of ruined the night." I told him was I got off of his car. "Do not worry about the date, I was happy to even just spend some time with you. Sleep well hermosa." He said and smiled at me. He always knows how to make me feel butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you Diego for understanding me and taking me out. Buenas Noches hermoso" I walked away from his car and into my house to my room.

Diego POV

Leaving her at her house and seeing her walk in made me comfortable as if this is where I am supposed to be. The whole date made me feel a connection towards her. I know this will be forever, I want this to be forever. I need to make sure she is comfortable with me and willing to let me in. I want her to know she is not alone, that I am someone she can trust with her life. I will wait for her, as long as she needs me to. 

Coming to my Airbnb I have while staying here in town made me realize that I won't be here forever. I leave to finish this tournament soon. I need to tell her, I hate to leave her; only been a couple days since we have met but the instant connection I have with her is making this harder then it should be. I want to be able to see her in the stands while I play. Should I ask her to join me on this tournament tour?

Marabel POV

Best night ever. That feeling I had in my body while being with him the entire time left me body, I felt alone and lost. He filled a part in my heart nobody else could. I told him a secret I told myself I would take to my grave. I was abused both physically and mentally. I thought I would never associate myself with a guy ever until I was an adult. Here I am, something about him made me feel safe and I loved it.

I showered to see the bruises I have from Agustin from weeks ago still on my chest. Made my eyes water just looking at it. It disgusted me seeing it, reminded me of how weak I was to let a man treat me that way.

HAHA IM BACK LMFAO. ehh it's a short one tbh. i'm a freshman so we've been doing like a bunch of stuff for that and omg I HATE IT LOL. please comment and vote !

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