Chapter 4:Heal

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i'm back, i'm writing this at my volleyball tournament. sitting the corner lol it let's just get to the story


Waking up today I felt ugly, I felt disgusting. Looking at my phone I saw Diego texted me.

Diego<3: Good Morning Hermosa!<3

"Hermosa" I felt anything but that. The shirt I was wearing completely showed the scars and marks. Is this who I am? The girl who let a boy abuse her? I cried and cried completely forgetting about Diegos message. Thinking about him made me remember the day before, he knew about Agustin. Was he lying when he said all those nice things? Is he trying to let me off easy? Thinking about that idea made my heart hurt.

2 hours later

I love food.

Can always make me feel better. I am currently sitting here eating a bucket of mango ice cream with chamoy and tajin while watching la Rosa de Guadalupe. Tears still came down my cheek of me once again thinking about my past, the thoughts just never seem to escape. I have completely drifted from reality, no technology or anything just my TV.

Diego POV

She has not texted back. Is she ok? I am getting worried. Through out practice you could clearly tell I was not focused on practice but on Marabel.



"Estas bien?"

I felt a hand move in front of my face. It was one of my teammates.


"Are you okay? I was calling your name!"

"Si, estoy bien. Lets get practice over with."

I ended practice with Marabel still on my mind, should I stop by her house? Send her another message? I don't want to seem annoying to her. I care a lot about her, just to make sure she's okay I will send her a short but sweet message just to see if she's okay.

TO MARABEL: "Haven't heard from you today, just wanted to see if you needed anything :)"

Marabel POV:


A message from Diego? Thought he would give up on trying to contact me. I need to respond to him...

TO DIEGO: " Yeah I am fine just having a hard day today :("

I am so broken, I hate this feeling, I want to hide away from everybody....

But when I think of Diego it all goes away, why?

Am I in love with him?

Or is he distracting me from the pain?

On another note.... I am hungry. I will order myself Chinese take out.

Getting in my car I feel water droplets on my face. Great, its now raining.

This is so dramatic........


Driving back to my rental home from practice I pass Marable's neighborhood, wait.

Is that her getting out the neighborhood?

Should I follow her?

Is she okay?

Is she meeting another guy?

No, no, no, no she is not like that!

I will just follow her, she won't notice me.


This car has been following ever since I pulled out the neighborhood. Whatever, car seems familiar but I cant get a good look on the driver.

I am just going to keep driving to get my food.

15 minutes later...

This car is still on my tail, what does this guy want!

At least I am here at the Chinese Place, walking inside I could feel eyes on the entire time. As I am walking in one of my good guy friends Josh came in right after me.

Giving him a hug I could feel eyes burning into me.

"OMG Hi Josh! Been awhile how have you been?"

"Doing great! I got married! Remember Gaby from High School?"

"OMG WOW! Congrats! Gaby was such a sweetheart! Want to grab some food and sit together to catch up?"

" Yes of course! I am starving!"

We ordered some food and sat down to wait for our Chinese food.


She drives so fast!

Oh? A Chinese place? 

I overthink too much!

Should I surprise her and get off to eat with her....


Hugs? Smiling? Laughing?

Who does this guy think he is? I am furious.

She is mine. NOT his. 

Getting off the car I barge into the restaurant with a not so happy look on my face. I turn to their table to see Marabel laughing and smiling with this idiot. I decide to not barge to their table but to listen to their conversation. I walk up to the ordering counter and order a drink. 

After getting my drink I walk to the booth behind them and take a seat with my back facing Marabel. All I hear is:

"Homecoming was truly best day of my life except my dress I hated how I looked in it!"

Lie she looks good in anything but whatever.

"No! You looked amazing and I was so lucky to have you as my date."

So there is history between them?


Oh no....

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