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Suhani Mudgalkar

Suhani Mudgalkar

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Sumedh Mudgalkar

That'sssss itttttt!!!

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That'sssss itttttt!!!



We have other characters in the story but I am gonna leave those up to you. You can imagine whoever you want 😂

Writing horror stories and watching horror movies are my favorite things. This time I am gonna try something new with this genre.

Also the tagline of this book is 'Not your common ghost story' Because it is not. Believe me!

I hope you guys are gutsy enough to digest what's coming to youuuu!!!

Keep loving ❤️


Not your common ghost story !

State of denial : not having fully accepted something.

When a loved one dies abruptly the most easiest way to cope up with it is being in a state of denial. Denying that someone is dead and making your own fictional world where everyone is safe and alive seems perfect.

When bridge between reality and illusion collapses you have to choose one. What will you choose? Reality Where everything is messed up and scary or Illusion where everything is ideal and comforting?

But What if you can't decide what is real and what is a mere mirage?

Join Sumedh and Suhani in their journey to find out the difference between reality and illusion.

The Denial Of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now