Chapter 13

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'Two?' Sky gasped. 'What do I call you sister, a golden girl?'

'Let's make it three.' Nadia said with uncertainty. 'Three boys.'

'Holy Heavens!' Sky slapped her hand on her mouth after realizing how loud she was. 'God, M, so is that how being rich and sexy feels, three boys?' She giggled.

'Sky!' Nadia sighed, there was no way she could ever match her energy.

'Stop whining M.' She said and grabbed her notepad. 'First boy, make haste.' She ordered as she positioned her hand to write.

This was the thing with Sky, though pale and confined to a room filled with the smell of drugs and beeping machines, her smile never left her face. If Nadia was strong, she was stronger. Her eyes always sparked even in her most fragile moments. She never passed a chance to make Nadia smile even when they never saw each other face to face. Their bond was alive and Sky's smile was the thread that kept it firm.

'Okay, first boy.' She whispered. 'He is my very good friend, I've known him since I was sixteen and we've had something going until today."

'Until today? What happened?' Sky asked curiously.

'Adult stuff.'

'My sixteenth birthday is in two months and I'm on the internet the whole day, what don't I possibly know about adult stuff?'

Her head retracted back in shock. 'That is very concerning Sky.' She frowned and Sky slumped against her pillow.

'Tell me about the second boy.' She said dramatically, ignoring her concerns.

'Second boy.' Nadia exhaled. 'I've known him for roughly a month, he's a junior employee at the office.'

'Office romance M, dope!' Sky interrupted as she started nibbling what looked like popcorn.

'I'll stop telling you if you keep cutting me off.' She threatened teasingly. Sky crossed her fingers and mouthed a sorry to her. She was about to continue when a knock came at her door. 'It's open.' She said and Yoli walked in with a glass of warm milk.

'I Hope I didn't take too long honey, I had to wait for it to cool down, hey Sky?' She excused herself and waved at the screen where Sky was smiling broadly.

'Hey Aunt Yolanda, can I have some milk too?' She joked.

Yoli smiled after putting the glass on the table and turned to Sky. 'If I could send some through the electric mail, then it would be a whole jar. 'Soon my girl.' She said sweetly.

'I'm looking forward to it.' Sky replied.

'I'll leave you two now.' Yoli turned and walked out, gently closing the door behind her.

'I wonder what that mail milk tastes like, or in what form it would come.' Sky whispered and they both burst into short-lived laughter. Their voices synced well and came out in perfect harmony.

'Okay, about the second boy.' She said impatiently, rubbing her palms together and wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

'I don't know, he is hard to explain. He's caring and understanding. He and I have something, I don't know what and I don't know if it is in my head or if it is real.'

'What about his flaws?' Sky asked expectantly.

'That is the problem Sky, he doesn't seem to have any flaws. Except that sometimes he looks like something he is not or he acts like something he isn't or shouldn't be. There is this feeling I get, it's weird. I feel like he has more authority than he shows, and just when I think I have him figured out, he becomes another different person. I don't know if you get it Sky. People say you can smell royalty from someone, what I smell from him his authority, too much authority for a simple employee.' She rattled off and with each breath, Sky's eyes widened.

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