chapter 7

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Izuku's pov
I finally got out of that boring building. I checked my phone before hand to find out that it was a 45 minute walk back to the area I lived in. I made my way back to where my suffering began, using the map on my phone to guide me, leaving the building at 5:30PM (although I had some resistance from the people watching over me they eventually conceded).

I soon made it to my former apartment, I looked at it reminiscing the past. It made me smile. That's where he died. I continued walking and passed Kacchan's house, I stared into the windows catching a glimpse of him as he ate with his family. I honestly didn't feel any jealousy or hate for him, I just didn't care and hopefully I'd never have to attend the same school as him or be anywhere near him again. I hate him.

I found myself walking the path that I used to walk down on my usual errands, I was doing it almost subconsciously. I arrived at the shop but didn't really know what to buy so I just brought a simple kitchen knife in replacement of the beer. As I walked back, blade in hand, I found myself walking through the same familiar park, looking at the same familiar bench, with the same familiar figure.

A sudden wave of joy passed through me along with a long smirk that spread across  my face. I approached the figure like an assassin nearing their target and took my place behind him, making up for my short height by propping myself up on a large rock that conveniently sat behind the bench.

When he opened his eyes I could see them full of shock as he saw my face above him. Kill me. For a while we looked at each other eye to eye before he scoffed and asked "what are you doing?" He said it in his familiar raspy voice which, at this point, made me feel a strong sense of calm. Kill me now. Hearing him speak made the joy that reflected out of my eyes far more intense. I was going mad from excitement, I truly was obsessed. Please end me.

Shigaraki's pov
Two beady green eyes staring directly at me. At first I felt shocked so I asked him "what are you doing?" After my question the kids smile grew and it was honestly . . . Creepy. He then responded to me in a psychotic tone, different from his usual depressed monotone one. "I just wanted to see you again since your the one my heart craves." He said it in a real straight forward and simple manner that just increased my suspicions. I had no idea what he was on about and looked at him with slight disgust. "Don't look at me like that, all you have to do is fulfill My hearts desire."

My suspicions truthfully turned to curiosity, I mean what would an unkillable kid want from me. My hearts current desire was to find a way to kill the kid so I decided to listen to him. "And what do you want?" I asked in an uninterested way. "Simple." He said merrily. "I want to die." His words truly did shock me, why would he come to me  about such a thing, why didn't he just find some method himself, did he know what my goal was last time we met.

I went quiet for a while and during that time he walked around the bench and sat besides me. He leaned his head against me and relaxed on my shoulder, he left himself so defenceless. Within a few minutes of that, the moon came into view as the clouds traveled east. "Ah, look at the moon. Isn't it beautiful!" The way he talked to me was like an innocent child who hadn't suffered at all, but the look in his desperate eyes spoke differently.

When the moon came into view his features became more obvious, I could see his delicate cheeks overrun with small little freckles, his eyes were wide and full of wonder as he looked at the moon but were also the eyes of someone that had been through hell and back. He had layers of thick curls which sat at the top of his head, however the rest of his head was covered by the black hood from his deep black hoodie, his smile was one of a future killer.

The way the kid was acting now honestly made me laugh, and I let out a slight chuckle. It really was funny how far the kid had fallen, I mean wow he had basically became a sociopath. I wouldn't have been surprised if he ended up like me in the future but I could tell that he still hadn't fully broken and needed a slight nudge. I could easily tell he hadn't killed anyone yet, and I mean I would gladly like to assist this child in his venture to insanity but I couldn't deny that I really did want to kill him.

"Okay then." I said to the kid. "I'll help you die." He closed his eyes and mouth, tilted his head and gave me an innocent look as he said "thank you." His happiness poured out of him and caused me to look away for a moment.

He pulled a blade out from his pocket (obviously because he knew nothing of my quirk) and pointed the handle towards me. He took off his hoodie and revealed his somewhat muscular arms and the rest of his bushy hair, it looked quite soft.

I reached for the blade, while keeping my pinky off of it in order to not disintegrate it. I grabbed onto the kids shoulder and straight away plunged it into his heart. He didn't scream, he didn't cry, he didn't even flinch, he just smiled at me and slowly reopened his eyes.  Eventually I removed the blade from his chest and we just stared into each others eyes for a while.

After around a minute his face became full of rage as he had his own tantrum when he felt his wound heal. He started screaming like a child, "WHY THE HELL DIDNT IT FUCKING WORK! IT PROMISED ME, IT PROMISED ME. THE VOICE PROMISED ME THAT'D YOU'D FILL THE VOID WITHIN MY HEART SO WHY AM I STILL ALIVE, WHY DO I SURVIVE DEATH ONCE MORE!" It really did make me laugh, never mind me helping the kid break, this kid was already long broken, hell  I'd say he'd already crossed the brink of insanity.

From the sound of it, it seemed as though the kid had an immortality quirk which is why my quirk didn't work on him. "I understand now, all the pieces fit into place, my quirk is just fine it's you who's the abnormal." I said joyfully as I stood up, raising my two arms in triumph. I had solved my issue but what was the kid on about, why was he talking about me being the one to kill him, and that it was said by a voice in his head.

I was about to interrogate him but he quickly reached for the knife, grabbed his hoodie and ran off before I had a chance to say anything. I watched as he left and then made my way back to the bar. I was certain that we would cross paths again.

Izuku's pov
"Why, why, why, WHY! WHY DIDN'T IT FUCKING WORK!" I screamed as I ran out of the park. It really did hurt me inside that I was still alive, but it also hurt that he didn't even bother to follow or help me, instead he just stood there and smiled. "I HATE LIFE!" I yelled and screamed like a spoilt little brat until I no longer had a breath left to give.

After a while, I stopped under some bus shelter in order to catch my breath and regain my stamina. "Why?" I whimpered. At that point I fell into a silent sob and crouched down placing my hands on my knees and burying my head into my thighs. I felt confused, angry, annoyed and sad. I felt like I was in despair. I sat there for a while left alone with my own miserable thoughts waiting until I could find the effort to move.

At around 8 I picked up the courage to get up and make my way back to the plain and pristine building. I really wanted to just find some ditch and lie there for eternity but for some unknown reason there was a flicker of hope within me. I didn't know why and I didn't know what I was suppose to do about it but that unknown and new feeling was what kept me sane. I was certain that it was that meeting with him, even though I didn't die my heart felt somewhat significantly less hollow.

I hid the evidence of being stabbed by throwing away my shirt and zipping up my hoodie and then enter the building where I  was greeted by the people there who asked multiple questions about my time out the building. When they finally left me be I entered my room and fell into a slump on my bed. I took the blade out of my pocket and stared at it thinking about how he used it. I didn't know how I knew it but I was certain
. . .
That we would meet again.
I'll be waiting.

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