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Some information that you will read in this book is just part of the writer's imagination don't take it seriously i don't want to cause misunderstanding, just incase.

Doing a long day of photoshoots and interviews is normal for an actor like Yin,this isn't the first time he do this kind of long work his previous works before this is even more longer and more exhausting because some needs to move from one place ...

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Doing a long day of photoshoots and interviews is normal for an actor like Yin,this isn't the first time he do this kind of long work his previous works before this is even more longer and more exhausting because some needs to move from one place to another.

Yin can't understand himself he felt really really exhausted he is not usually like this at work mostly he would still have an energy to stay up late night and play games with his peers.

Although Yin is kinda confused this kind of feeling is not strange with him because he usually experience it when he is not working with the other person, his inspiration.

"Yin,go upstairs and get some sleep you look awful"He didn't bother to answer Win and just follow him.

He entered his room silently hoping to see his support system waiting for him but no one was there.Yin let out a heavy sigh before walking to his bed.

This seem to be a very bad day for him not just seeing the other person for the whole day is already hell for him and now there's no blanket what can be worst than this day?

He just lay down to his bed not minding the coldness from the air-con but the coldness starts to become unbearable he got up and sees a small piece a cloth he cover it to himself.

He was about to close his eyes and bring himself to sleep when the door of the room suddenly open.

Yin couldn't stop himself from smiling when sees the person his been wanting to see enters his room.

Suddenly all the exhaustion he is feeling was gone,he felt like he finally gain his energy again.

The other person sat down on his bed and touch Yin's forehead.

"Are you okay?Win said you look really really awful i'm afraid you're sick"

"I'm okay just a little tired"He said with his full energy,reassuring the other person that there's no something to worry about.

"Aw do you need a blanket?The air-con is cold"War asked seeing his nong with only the small piece of cloth he is trying to cover to himself.

Yin laugh a little."Here i already have one"

"Is it really okay with just that you might not be able to sleep properly.Wait for me i'll get you a blanket"He did not bothered to wait for Yin's response and just go downstairs.

The feeling of exhaustion is now totally gone,Yins heart was so touched with War's action he knows very well that the small person is very lazy so this simple things like this is making Yin's heart wants to explode.

Even though War isn't really showy he knows that deep down he was always worried about him and Yin finds it really sweet.

The thoughts that flooding into his mind was interrupted when the smaller person throws the blanket to him.

"You didn't need to get the blanket you should just hug me instead to ease the coldness"


:I can still remember Yin's cute smile while narrating the story of this blanket moment.

Hope you guys like it.

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