Sleepover ft. the whipped husband

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It just a normal day in rkth dorm,the boys gathered at the dining table for their lunch

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It just a normal day in rkth dorm,the boys gathered at the dining table for their lunch.The other is teasing each other like some kind of primary school students while the other is talking about the games and works.

It's just YinWar who have their own world,War talking about random things as usual and Yin just listening intently when the older person ask him something he would gladly answer it and listen again.

"Hey guys let's sleep over at Win's house"The loud dining table suddenly went silent.

A smirk plastered at Yin's face it's his time to finally tease Bonz since it was always him and War who usually get tease.

"Oho the boyfriend of the house owner is inviting us guys.He got so much power now"The silent start to broke again,the boys who is having a different interests earlier has now become one to tease Bonz.

"Maybe they're already married we just don't know"War added that made the teasing gets louder.

Bonz couldn't do anything but turn red he doesn't really mean to say it that way.

"Oi that's not what i mean P'Win told me to tell you guys i just used the wrong sentence"He said trying to explain but the boys just smile at him still teasing him.

"You guys stop teasing Bonz just go upstairs and prepare to go at Win's i'll clean the kitchen"

Bonz was relieved when they all follow what Nycha's command it seems like they're kinda excited to sleep over at Win's.

"They're crazy"War murmured.What is it to be excited for they all literally live together.

"Will you take a nap before going to Win's house later?"Yin can't help but asked he knows that the older person only had a few hours sleep last night.

"Yes,why did you ask?You want to sleep with me?"The older person ask casually.

It's normal for them to sleep together because normally War would sneak out to Yin's room and also they would always choose to stay at one room whenever they travel.

"Err let's sleep in my room"

They just talk a bit when they finally reach Yin's room after that the older person immediately fell asleep and Yin just stay beside him letting the other person hug him while he's playing with his hair.

Yin doesn't really feel sleepy even though he also just had a few hours of sleep last night he prefer watching the other person's angelic face while sleeping and play with his hair.

Hours passed the sun is already setting.War hear a soft familiar voice calling his name and later was followed with a little kisses to his cheeks and neck.

"War,it's already 6"Yin let out a soft giggles when War just buried his face to his neck.

"Can we just follow them later i'm still lazy to go"

Yin grab his phone text their manager that they will follow them later and as expected his phone suddenly ring and the caller was Prom.

"Here we go again make sure you two will follow.Don't you two get tired of each other"

"Err don't worry Khun Prom we will buy something to eat on our way there,is that enough?"

"Whatever just follow us immediately" Then the person from the other line hang up the phone.

Another hour and a half had passed when the older person finally woke up but he is still lazy to go he just want to stay in bed with Yin and cuddle him all night.

"Are you already awake?Let's go take shower it's almost 8"Yin was about to stand up when the other person pulled him back to bed.

"You can go i'll just follow them tomorrow i'm lazy"War knew it well that Yin will not go too if he would not go he doesn't need to force him to stay with him.

"But i already promised them will follow and will bring some food"

"That's why i am telling you to go it's not like i am forcing you to stay with me or something"He answered innocently.

Yin let out a heavy sigh.

"What are you waiting for?Take a shower now or do you want me to bath you?"

The air-con is cold but it didn't stop the hotness caused by War's words to take over Yin's body.

"What are you saying.I'll call Bonz now"

Yin was about to grab his phone when War pulled him to a hug.

"Yin i'm cold let me warm myself first"

"Are you provoking me?"Yin boldly asked when he felt the hand of the older person start to tease him.

"Provoking who?I am looking for my phone.Oh here it is"War said trying to contain his laugh.

He dialed Bonz number and sniff Yin's neck,making the younger one to bite his lower lips.

"Bonz,i can't go tonight i'll follow you guys tomorrow"

"Aww how about Yin?"

War gave the phone Yin letting him answer the question from the other line.

"I won't go too it's already late i'm lazy to drive"Yin answered making War smile devilishly.

"Damn you,Anan.You already promised to follow us.Just leave your wife for awhile he will follow tommorow"

But how?How can he leave the older person when he is teasing him like this.

"Whatever.Not all promises are meant to be fulfilled"

"Just admit that you're too whipped to your wife!!!"


:It took me 4 hours to write this and i don't know how the hell did it turned out because i don't have time to re-read and edit it.But i hope you guys like it.

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