Part 4

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Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang laid dead with his head open and her chest ripped by an axe. I ran to the Lavestons'

The house was dark and empty. I was looking around with Asa hanging on his carriage when suddenly, a figure came and struck us.

The figure was Jim. He unconsciously tried to beat me with his 5th grade Taekwondo trophy and i evaded every time, luckily.

"Why?! Why?! Why did this have to happen?!"

"Calm down, Jim, calm down. Where's momma and dadda?"

"Took them away.. Took them away!"


"The scumbags i've..i've chosen to hung out friends..MY FUCKING FRIENDS! We agreed to pray on it, pledged that no one kills any of our parents, Nobody had to die!"


Tig Bosemanndamme, the eldest of the wealthiest Telecommunications company owner in this state. Loves to pick on foreign students and drives his micropenis-mobile like a prick every single time. I don't think he let his parents survive that day.

We were running in their direction, to a swampy marshland just west of outer town. The kind of place for a beatdown and a human sacrifice when, suddenly, a familiar voice called out:

"Fitz, Lovestone!"

It was Aiden's voice.

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