CHAPTER 7 Envisage

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                              Pious hope

As Night is getting younger, the energy for party remains same for everyone. It seems as if this kind of party was never hosted by anyone. Grandmother was the first one to host witch themed birthday party in the California. It is time for meal and everyone was just amazed by the menu and how perfect it's cooked compliments the theme. The witch fingers they might haunt you in dreams, but are tasty molded cookies with jam and slivered almonds.  All this weird, delicious meal is liked by everyone and at start they felt uncomfortable to eat such shape of dishes, but now everyone was eating as if there is no tomorrow.

Wini, Madison and Tara were hitting the heels on dance floor, having a lot of fun together with Mrs. Alison and grandmother. The clock is forty-five minutes away to strike twelve and everyone got exhausted and decided to end the party. Everybody started to wave goodbye now only Tara, Madi, Wini, grandmother and Mrs. Alison are present. All of them together quickly cleared the living room area, so they can sit for a while and have little chitchat, as remaining work will be carried on by the servants tomorrow. Madi, Tara and Wini headed towards Wini's room, and they were busy discussing hot celebrities and Tara made Wini sip a glass of whiskey on the name of Michele Morrone. To my surprise she did have whiskey this was horrible, now this is completely insane as they are still underage. The main challenge was to protect themselves from grandmother and Mrs. Alison. If one of them got to know they will turn the night into hot sunny day. Finger crossed!

As the whiskey travels through her blood gradually Wini was loosing her senses and blabbering. Suddenly she asked where are my parents? How do they look like? Why don't I stay with them? Her list of question went on. Madi and Tara are both are new to this kind of behavior, so they decided let's put Wini to sleep to avoid conflicts. They forcefully made her sleep and locked her door from outside, so she can't come out of the room. They both waited outside her room for like 30 minutes as they felt she was completely sleepy, they opened the locked slowly. Both of them moved downstairs and informed grandmother Wini felt tired, so she is sleeping and asked you to sleep too and wake her up late tomorrow as we have holiday. Tara being a chatter box revealed that Wini was questioning about her parents and to us even we want to meet them, grandmother where are they? This statement from Tara made grandmother numb as now, she couldn't even utter a word on her defense.  Mrs. Alison handled the situation well as she said Tara and Madison it's too late, we should head toward our home and let grandmother relax as she is tired too. Mrs. Alison insisted Madi to go along with them. Grandmother's forehead got creases of worries, what will she answer Wini if tomorrow she wakes up with same questions. She was completely sinking in the pool of Wini's questions. Grandmother was having tough time to sleep as the thought are heavier than the pull of gravity that made the eye lids to shut.

On the other side, I guess Wini was having a dream as I observed tears rolling down her cheeks, and she was smiling.  From this it seemed as if she met her parents in her dream. I heard her describe someone and I gave more attention to her quavering voice and my ear did catch few words like you have got same skin tone and hair like me! Does that mean we are somehow related? She went on describing a figure and I noted each and every word that come out from her mouth. Your eyes are earthy, as if indicating your aura as down to earth. You have lovely high nose. Perfect, in fact makes me wonder for a moment if it's real or some work was done. Wini added on her smile to. Your smile is really contagious, it lights up the world, and it makes everything seems so alive. A dimple on a left cheek is attention seeking. Wini stopped blabbering, I guess she was out of her dreamland now. As every word she mentioned I was trying to create a picture of the lady. Somehow I have a picture in my mind but how will I compare it with Wini's vision this was the main challenge. Deep inside I want to know who the lady is, is she her mother?

Next the joyful rays from sun are reflecting the Wini's window directly from the star. As her curtains are open, the transmitted rays directly strikes her faces and gives her radiant glow. I must say she is sleeping beauty, I can continually stare at her if she stays likes this for longer period of time. The intensity of light kept on increasing as the earth is rotating the sun. Grandmother was in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast. After few minutes she enters Wini's room with an orange juice and wakes her up by placing a forehead kiss and tucked few strands of hair back of her ears. Wini stretches her arms to 180° and hugged grandmother wishing good morning. They both are enjoying the orange radiating sun along with the juice and are having normal talks regarding how they are going to spend there day together and what activities they will carry out. Back of grandmother's mind she hoped it will be the best if Wini does not question about her parents. I guess universe heard her wish with the speed of light as she didn't even say a word on it. Wini mentioned her dream to grandmother and not to forget she has photographic memory even though it was a dream, but her remembering power is unmatchable. Someday she will definitely find her dream lady. She went on describing the lady that appeared in her dream and left grandmother's mouth go in 'O' shaped as if she is astonished. Does this mean Wini was one step closer to know her parents? Or she was close enough to know her true identity? Every passing day is raising the curiosity. One day I will lose my patience level and come face to face with both grandmother and Wini.

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