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Little droplets of water fell down the window, eventually evaporating into the air. "Mack, dinner time!" Mack turned her attention to the loud voice, getting out of bed. Patting down her pants she headed down the wooden stairs before walking into the yellow lighted room. "Oh there you are, sit down." Obeying her mother's wishes Mack sat on the visibly uncomfortable chair, moving in discomfort. It was a dark and rainy day in Michigan, but that was just usual weather. 

"Here you go sweetheart." Placing the food in front of Mack she sat in the chair across from her, giving Mack a slight smile before she started to enjoy her food. Wasting no time Mack decided to also start eating, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes. Swallowing her food she picked up her glass of water, drinking the contents. 

"So, have you decided on joining the art club this year?" Her mother asked, giving her a slight smile. Mack just shrugged her shoulders, poking at her peas with her fork. Her mother gave her a sad smile, letting out a sigh. "Look, I know it's been hard since your fathers passing but- he would've wanted you to do things you liked." Mack tightly shut her eyes, not wanting to hear about her father. "Mom, can we...not talk about this right now? Please." Her mother nodded before continuing to eat her food. A few minutes later Mack finished her food, getting up out of the chair. Placing her dishes into the sink she walked back upstairs, heading into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror she could see the bags under her eyes, as she hadn't slept in weeks. 


"That was not funny dad!" Mack said placing her hand over chest. "I could've had a heart attack in the store!" Her dad slightly chuckled, before kissing her forehead. "Sorry kiddo, you have to admit, it was funny." Mack just rolled her eyes sarcastically before going to look at the shoe section one again. Only a few minutes later she could hear screaming and gunshots, panic spread across her face. She ran all around the store, trying to find her father. 

"Dad! Dad!" She yelled, until she finally found her father on the ground, a blood puddle around him. Immediately kneeling down next to him she checked for his pulse, it was only slowly there. Tears formed in her eyes, as she held her fathers face, trying to get him to talk. "Someone help! My father hes hurt! Please!" Nothing. "Dad, dad don't close your eyes okay? I'm gonna get some help!" She continued to scream for help, as now tears were falling down her face. 

"I'm sorry dad, this is all my fault, I'm the one who wanted to go to the mall!" Her vision was blurred by her tears as her father held on to his last breathes. "Stay strong kiddo, I love you." Was the last thing she heard before everything went silent. No heartbeat, no pulse. Mack let out a blood curling scream, holding onto her father. Only seconds later two medics entered the store, trying to pull her away from her father. "No! No! Let me go!" She fought until her legs and arms gave out, while she was still sobbing. 

Sitting in the police station she stayed numb, blood on her hands & clothes. "So, please explain what happened Ms. Bowen."  She didn't answer, didn't talk. She didn't want to. She was in too much pain to do anything. She could hear her mother outside the room, screaming and crying her heart out. Mack. Mack! MACK! 

End of flashback; 

"Mack, are you okay in there?" Snapping out of her thoughts Mack opened the bathroom door to see her little brother, Alex. "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks for checking on me." Mack said giving him a slight smile. He nodded his head, heading back into his room. Mack also went inside her room, closing the door behind her. 

She fell back on her soft bed, looking at the blank ceiling. She stayed like that for a while before getting back up and leaving her room, walking into her dads office. Closing the creaking door behind her she looked around, just old newspapers, books, and office supplies. She felt a pain in her foot as she knocked down a tower of boxes. "Shit!" She whisper yelled, hoping her mother didn't hear it. "Stupid boxes." 

A confused expression took over her face as she saw a tiny door, it seemed to be blocked by the boxes. She tried opening it but it was locked tightly. Standing back up she walked over to her fathers desk, opening the main drawer. There were millions of keys! "Well, this is gonna be fun." She said to herself, looking at the keyhole. She spent five minutes looking through all of the keys, trying to find the one that fit the keyhole to the mysterious door. Just when she was about to give up she came across an all black key, and the top looked similar to a button. What an odd key...

Walking back over to the tiny door she put the key into the hole, twisting it. Pulling it open it revealed....a brick wall? "Wow, brick." Mack looked disappointed, hoping to have found something cool. She put the key into her back pocket before quickly heading out of the office, trying not to get caught. She sat down on her bed, which caused the mattress to dip in. She has so many questions. What was that door? Why was it even a thing? Did her father know about it? Does her mother? Stuffing her face into getting pillow she let out a groan before closing her eyes, drifting off into a peaceful slumber. 

I hope you enjoyed chapter one, it isn't very long but I promise that the next chapter will be longer! Thank you again. 

- Nai <33

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