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Stars. Stars was all Mack saw when she awoke from her very short slumber. Sitting up from her bed she looked around the dim room, noticing that it was still night time. She sat there for a while, thinking about what she should do next. Being the curious girl that she was she decided to look in her fathers office again, hoping to find some different things. But first she needed to see if her mother was awake. If she was Mack had no chance of being able to get into her fathers office. The floors were creaky and old, so they would make a lot of noise if you walked on them. Such a nuisance they were. 

Walking out of her room Mack slowly tip-toed to her mother's room, peeking inside. Though it was dark, the small light from the window provided enough light for her to see her mother, in a deep sleep. A mischievous smirk on Mack's face she quietly walked over to her fathers office, entering the dark room. Closing the door behind her she walked around the office, leaky windows, snow globes, and...lots and lots of keys. While exploring the office the tiny door caught her eye once again. In between the cracks of the tiny door she could see a purple-blue ish color glowing behind the door. 

Confusion spread through Mack's mind since she didn't remember seeing that earlier. Remembering that she put the key in her pocket she reached into her back pocket and took the weird key out. She bent down to the doors level and placed the key into the keyhole, twisting it, before pulling it open. Shock was what she felt. Behind the door was not bricks but, a purple and blue tunnel! "Woah." She whispered, moving closer the the door. She wondered if she should go inside, it seemed kind of dangerous. But Mack being Mack she decided to go inside.

Placing the key back into her pocket she crawled into the small tunnel, looking ahead of her. She could see another door at the end of the tunnel which made her even more curious. When she finally made it to the end of the tunnel she twisted the knob, opening the other tiny door. What she say was absolutely beautiful. It seemed to be like some type of castle. It was a huge castle!

"Holy shit-" Mack yelled, looking at the castle in awe

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"Holy shit-" Mack yelled, looking at the castle in awe. How do I get inside? She thought. Just when she was about to try walking around she heard a loud voice behind her. "Hey! Are you lost?" She turned around she see a brown haired boy who had a broom in his hand, and he seemed to be wearing a red and yellow cloak? "Uh yes, I am." She paused for a moment and looked around once again. "Can you tell me where I am?" The boy seemed confused, as he thought she would've known. "You're at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Mack's eyes widened, Witches? Wizards? "Why do you looked so surprised? Aren't you a witch or wizard?" He asked, raising his brow slightly. 

"Witches and wizards don't exist?" She answered, confusion on her face. The boy looked at her as if she was crazy, then started asking her some more questions. "Are you muggle born?" What was this guy talking about? "Excuse me, what's a muggle exactly?" Now the boy looked even more shocked and confused. "Non magic folk." He answered. "So you're a muggle if you can't do magic?" The boy nodded his head. "In that case, I am." The boy just laughed, smiling like a goof. "I'm sorry, but what's so funny?" Mack asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "You aren't a muggle, I can tell." How I am not a muggle? I cannot do magic! Her mind asked, she had never been this confused before.

"Oh, how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. Oliver, Oliver Wood." He put out his hand in front of Mack, expecting a hand shake. "Mack, Mack Bowen." She shook his hand, giving him a smile. The two shook hands for a while, just looking into each other's eyes. Eventually Mack spoke up again, trying to make conversation. "So, what do you mean you can tell that 'I'm not a muggle' ?"  Oliver cleared his throat before replying. "I can tell when someone's a muggle or not, it's a instinct." Mack nodded her head, her brown curls moving up and down. 

"Follow me, I'll help you get sorted out." Oliver started walking inside the huge castle, Mack right beside him. She was astonished by what she saw next, a beautiful long hall. Candles hung in the sky, the ceiling of the hall being invisible. "You stay right here, I'll go get Dumbledore." Giving him a thumbs up Oliver walked into the great hall and towards a long table. There had to be hundreds of kids and adults! There were also four different tables with different colors? One table was wearing scarlet & golden, another wearing blue , another just wearing yellow and the last table wearing green. Is this some type of cult? Mack thought, her eyes widened.

Before she could assume anything else, Oliver walked backed over to her, a huge smile on his face. "I talked to Dumbledore, turns out you do have some magic in you!" Mack was now beyond confused. "Huh? What do you mean?" He just shook his head and ignored the question. "Never mind that right right now, stand still." Mack obeyed his orders and stood still. Oliver then took out his wand, pointing it directly at her. "Multicorfors!" Just then Mack saw that she was no longer in her pj's, she was in a all black robe, itchy knee high socks, with chunk heeled Mary Janes. "Woah, how did you do that!" She asked, excitement in her voice. 

"Magic, of course. Now, when Dumbledore calls you in walk in and walk to that stool." Oliver directs, pointing to the chair in the front of the hall. Nodding her head Mack looks around the great hall some more, waiting to be called. Around ten more minutes later she heard a Louis voice say; "Everyone, I would like to introduce our new student, Miss Bowen. Please come in." Her eyes widened not knowing what to do. Her breathing increased, and so did her heartbeat. "Hey, you'll be fine okay? Go on." Oliver said, patting her shoulder for reassurance. "Okay, thanks again Oliver." She gave him a smile before walking through the tall doors, getting a better view of the hall. 

She walked down the hall with confidence, not wanting to embarrass herself. She felt all eyes on her, which made her even more nervous than she already was. When she finally made it to the stool she sat on it, seeing everyone in front of her. At one of the tables she could see a raven - haired boy with round rimmed glasses staring at her. He was cute. Her eyes moved over to another table where she could see a brown haired boy who was wearing yellow. Super cute. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt something land on her head. It was some type of hat? But it had a face! It then started talking which really freaked Mack out. 

"Hmmm....a very smart one here. Clever and very very wise....definitely not Slytherin. Perhaps Hufflepuff? No...Ravenclaw? Maybe. I think it ought to be........GRYFFINDOR! Mack was startled when she heard yells and cheers from the table where the boy was at. She also saw Oliver cheering, he must be in that group! She smiles before getting up, walking towards to the table. She sat between two gingers that looked exactly the same. "Hello everyone!" She said, smiling at everyone. "Hello beautiful." Mack heard two voices say at the same time. It was the gingers, they must be twins! "Fred, and this is George, nice to meet you?" 

"Mack, nice to meet you both." She slightly blushed, no one had ever really been this nice to hear. "Hello, welcome to Hogwarts." Mack looked up to see a beautiful carmel haired girl taking to her. Wow, she's beautiful. Mack thought. "Thanks, what's your name?" She replied. "Hermione, Hermione Granger. These are my close friends, Ron and Harry." The girl instructed, pointing at both of the boys next to her. The boy with the glasses must be Harry. Mack could see Harry's face, his cheeks were pink and he gave her a slight smile. 

"Nice to meet you two, I bet we'll all get along well!" They all nodded their heads. Not even a few seconds later millions of food showed up on the long, wooden, table. "Woah! Look at all this food! Mack yelled, her mouth watering slightly. Hermione chuckled, so did Harry and Ron. "Welcome to Gryffindor House, I have a feeling this is going to be a great year!" Said Ron, who was now grabbing at least five pieces of chicken. "House?" Mack asked, tilting her head while grabbing a cob of corn. 

"You have a lot to learn, I'll explain everything." She nodded her head, ready to learn how to be a great witch or wizard. But there was still something bothering her. How did she have some magic in her? 

Thank you for reading chapter two, I tried making this chapter a bit longer! I really do hope that you liked it. Don't forget to vote & comment. New chapter out tomorrow! 

- Nai <33

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