𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 , ༄

17 1 0

Fire. People screaming. People in masks. A snake like creature coming towards her. A flash of green light. More screaming. Whispering. Mack.....Mack.......Mack!

Jolting awake Mack placed her hand over her heart, trying to catch her breath. "Are you alright? I heard you screaming." Opening her eyes she saw none other than Hermione Granger, who looked very worried at the moment. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream." Hermione simply nodded, sitting next to her on the comfy bed. "So, are you excited for your first day at Hogwarts?" She asked, trying to erase the tension. "Excited? More like nervous." Mack replied, looking down at her nails, playing with them. "Don't be, me, Harry and Ron will help you." Nodding, she gave a smile. 

"Well, I'm going to let you get dressed, your things are just on the table over there. Meet us outside the Gryffindor common room in thirty minutes!" Hermione yelled, before exiting the room. Smiling to herself, Mack walked over to the tiny wooden table by the window, grabbing her uniform. "If only I knew how to do that clothing spell...." she said to herself, looking around the room. Stopping herself from getting distracted Mack walked into the bathroom and got cleaned up, putting on the uniform afterwards. 

Looking into the mirror she did a small twirl, liking the way the black skirt swayed with her hips. "Now.....what to do with my hair." First Mack though of straightening it, but she wasn't sure if they had hair straighteners in the wizarding world. Natural perhaps? But I do that everyday... she thought. Standing in the mirror for about five more minutes Mack decided to go and ask Hermione for some help. 

Walking outside of the dorm, she quickly hurried outside the common room, trying to not be seen. When she finally made it outside she saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry all talking. "Oh hey Ma-" Hermione stopped herself when she saw Mack's hair, her eyes widened. "Hermione I need your help, quickly!" Mack said in between harsh breathes. Nodding her head quickly, Mack and Hermione headed back to the dorm. "Okay, I know my hair looks bad. I need your help on how to fix it." Mack hurried to the bathroom, pulling Hermione with her. "Can you make it wavy for me? Or teach me the spell?" She asked eagerly, turning to the golden- haired girl. 

"I'll do it for you for now, I'll teach you when classes are over." Hermione said, taking out her wand. She then pointed her wand at Mack's hair, before saying the spell. 

"Crinus Muto!" 

Before Mack knew it her hair was in perfect, shiny, waves. Wow. Hermione had even topped it off with a scarlet headband with yellow stripes! "Thank you so much Mione, I owe you!" Mack engulfed Hermione in a tight hug, Hermione slightly blushing. "You ready? Let's go!" Mack nodded her head, walking with Hermione out of the common room. "There you two are! We thought you guys might have been busy." Ron bumped Harry on the shoulder. "If you know what I mean." Hermione made a embarrassed face before slapping Ron with her book. "Shut up Ron!" He chuckled, rubbing his head. 

Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry laughed. So did Mack. "Is he always like this?" She asked Harry, he just simply nodded and smiled. "I heard there's waffles for breakfast, hopefully." Ron said. Mack became hungrier and hungrier at the sound of any food. She never got to eat like this at home. That's when she stopped in her tracks. Home. She wasn't  home, her mother must be worried sick! Oh my god, what if she called the police?  I mean, she'll be fine right? She won't miss me that much. Eh, whatever. 

"Hey, you okay? " She looked up to see Harry, while Hermione and Ron were still walking down the hall. They must've not noticed that she and Harry were gone. "Yeah, I was just thinking of something." He nodded, helping Mack up. The slight blush that creeped on her cheeks quickly disappeared, not wanting to be seen. Mack didn't know, but Harry saw, which made him blush as well. It was quite cute actually. They walked in silence until they reached Hermione and Ron, who were about to enter the Great Hall. 

"There you two are! Where'd you guys go?" Harry looked and Mack and she looked back at him. He then quickly turned to Hermione replying to her question. "Mack had forgotten her books so we went to get them." Mack smiled to herself, Hermione nodded. She then whispered into Harry's ear. "Thanks for that, it means a lot." He nodded and gave Mack a sweet smile. They all entered the great hall, the hall full of chatter. Sitting down at the Gryffindor table Mack saw all types of food. From waffles, to crepes, to sausages! She couldn't wait to finally eat. 

Picking up a piece of toast she set it on her plate, reaching for the jam when she felt another hand on hers. She looked up to see the same boy from yesterday, Oliver. "Oh, you can have the last bit, it's fine." He implied, nodding his head towards the strawberry jam. 

"No no, it's fine you can have it. I'll get some from another table." She smiled, getting up from the full table. She looked around before walking over to the Hufflepuff table, the heels of her shoes clicking with every step. When she finally made it to the table she could see the other boy she saw yesterday. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but- can I use some of your jam? Our table is all out." 

"Of course, here you go." She smiles as the brown haired boy gave her the jam, a cute smile on his face. "Thank you-" Mack paused, waiting for him to give his name. "Cedric, Cedric Diggory." She nodded and resumed her sentence. "Thank you Cedric." He just smiled again which made butterflies flutter in Mack's stomach. Before walking away she turned back around, saying one last thing. "My names Mack by the way." 

"It was nice meeting you Mack, hope to see you again soon."  He blushed, and so did she. Before making more of a fool of herself she hurried back to her table, placing the jam on her toast. She grabbed some more food and talked with Hermione, Harry, and Ron until the end of breakfast, and it was time to go to classes. 

This was going to be fantastic. 

Thank you for reading chapter three! Now I know you're all going to attack me for not setting as much as last time and I'm sorry! I was really in a rush and I was only able to fit 1,100 + words. Next chapter will definitely be longer! (It will include all the classes.)  I also want to say thank you so much for 100 reads like what? It's literally only been a few days since I wrote this. Anyway, this is getting too long! See you next time!  

- Nai <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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