Chapter 1 // butterflies

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Me and Kevin had always been great friends. We first met back in kindergarten and quickly became close after just a few days. Our friendship went on for years and yet we never managed to get sick of each other. We never really that many friends apart from each other considering we were quite the outsiders. We've had a few ups and downs but always managed to stick together no matter what we went through. Until our friendship changed.

Friday January 13th 2017
It was another tiring day in high school. Boring classes, gross cafeteria food and smelly hallways. Seeing Kevin walk out from his classroom definitely brightened my mood. Me and Kevin walked through the hallways and out the door. We promised each other to have sleepover and were both excited to play video games all night instead of sleeping. We said our goodbyes and promised to meet each other at 8pm at my house. I saw Kevin walk away as I turned around and walked towards my car. I started the engine, turned the radio up and sang along with the loud music as I drove home. When I came home I greeted my mom and walked up to my room. I smiled as I saw my dog laying on my bed and wagging his tail as he saw me walk in. I played around with him and decided to clean my room a bit before Kevin came. It was around 7pm as I walked downstairs to the smell of fresh food and spotted my mom in the kitchen. After we all ate dinner I went back upstairs and sat down on my bed as I heard the doorbell rang downstairs. I jumped down the staircase in excitement and greeted Kevin as he walked through the doorway. I signaled him to come up to my room. We started up my xbox, sat on my bedroom floor and we started playing our favorite video games together. We laughed the night away together, playing game after game, eating snacks and enjoying each other's company. It was 5am before we knew it. Kevin leaned up against me and fell asleep after a little bit. I smiled and looked at his peaceful face. Butterflies. Fuck. I didn't where the sudden feeling came from. It was like a firework exploded inside of my stomach. It freaked me out. I had never felt things like this before and felt scared. Stared out of my partially opened window trying to clear my thoughts and yawned. I gently placed my head on top of his and slowly passed out besides him on the bedroom floor.

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