Chapter 3 // the incident

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After about 10 minutes I quietly walked downstairs on my tippy toes and snuck out of the door after taking my jacket off of the rack. I slowly closed the door trying to stay as quiet as possible and walked further outside. I walked over to the nearby park where me and Kevin agreed to meet and side down on the bench there and patiently waited.

My eyes lit up as I saw him walking towards me and the same feeling immediately rushed into my stomach. The same sensation. The same tingles. The same insecure thoughts. I struggled to look him in the eyes as he sat down next to me on the park bench. I took a deep breath as he glanced in my direction with the same concerned look as earlier that day. He knew something was up. He's known me too long to not notice anything. My stomach ached again.

We sat on the bench together and spoke a bit about our feelings. I didn't mention anything about my recent once since I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me and I was too afraid to tell anyone about it. I figured bottling it all up would've been a better solution. I tried to act like I was doing better and thank god he bought it. The rest of the night we gazed up at the stars and simply enjoyed eachother's company and talked about the most random stuff. Thankfully it got my mind off of things for a little bit. Kevin and me both yawned and figured it would be best for us to go home and both get some sleep considering it was a school night. I agreed to walk Kevin home since his house was a lot further away from the park than mine. He was walking a bit in front since I was tying my shoes. I got up and saw him crossing the street. That's when it happened. I saw bright lights appearing to the left of him. I screamed his name and told him to watch out for the truck speeding towards him, but it was too late. I heard a loud thrust as the large vehicle hit is body. "KEVIN!!" I yelled as I ran towards the scene. The truck quickly sped off not wanting to be seen at the accident. That motherfucker. "KEVIN!!!" I screamed even louder running faster than light towards his lifeless body. I felt streams of tears running down my face as I saw him. I called 911 with a panicked tone as I saw other people walk towards me. Clearly woken by my loud screaming. I kneeled down next to his body and gently stroked his arm while sobbing onto him. My tears blinded me from the lights around me as I noticed more and more people walking towards the scene. I later saw the ambulance arrive and putting him on oxygen and laying his bleeding body on the bed. I was terrified. The fear of never seeing his pure soul again. His smile. His humor. His presence. I was scared of it all fading away in front of my eyes. I was asked to ride a long in the ambulance with him since there wasn't any one in else there that knew him. I sobbed throughout the entire ride was told he needed an emergency surgery. Thank god there was still hope in him surviving.

I waiting for hours and hours in the uncomfortable hospital chair trying to calm myself down. The fear of losing my life long bestfriend was the worst thing I had ever felt.

The doctor walked into the waiting room. I froze.

My heart instantly felt extremely relieved after the doctor told me he was okay. I took a few deep breaths as the doctor guided me towards his hospital room. Me and Kevin both let out a few tears of joy after seeing eachother. I rushed towards the hospital bed and gave him the biggest hug possible. We glanced at eachother. Time stood still. Before I could move away Kevin looked me in the eyes and pulled me in. We kissed.

Then we had a hardcore threesome with the doctor on the hospital bed 🥺🥺😟😟😫😫🤩🤩😫😩😩🙄🙄‼️‼️👹🐿🐿

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