Chapter 2: Dragon of the Darkness Flame

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A.N. Round one of the Dark Tournament continues. Things will move much faster than the last chapter, and between you and me, Sakura isn't going to be on the sidelines for much longer.

I don't own YYH, just my OCs.


Chapter 2

Shizuru squinted at Kurama from her seat. "This red haired boy...I don't think he's really human..."

Keiko looked surprised. "What makes you say that?"

They'd moved a few rows back, but Sakura could still hear them as she stared at the battlefield. Roto's smug face was nauseating, but Kurama remained emotionless.

"I know you've been spending years in the human world," Roto began. "We all do what we must. I only hope you didn't, say, get attached to one of them?" He leaned forward, and the flesh on his right hand fashioned into a lethal-looking blade. "For example, be mournful of their death?"

"What is your point?" Kurama asked tiredly.

Roto hissed and thrust his weapon at Kurama, who dodged it without a second thought. Roto slashed at him again and again, but Kurama was simply too quick. After the first two swipes Kurama didn't even bother opening his eyes to evade.

Hiei rolled his eyes. "He's clearly no match for Kurama. What a joke of a round," he smirked at Kuwabara. "It's a pity you couldn't have taken him and let Kurama deal with the little child and his yo-yos,"

"Hey, you watch it Shrimpy! I just got cheated is all!"

So graceful!

Sakura's eyes were glued to the battle, her mouth agape and her heart fluttering. It was astonishing how easily Kurama eluded Roto without the smallest bit of effort.

He was clearly losing interest in the one-sided fight. Roto slashed at Kurama again, and predictably Kurama easily sidestepped it. He appeared behind his opponent to finish him off.

"Your skills weren't enough for this tournament. Say your last words,"

Roto flashed his most devious smile yet and spoke in a low voice, but Sakura was close enough to hear his reply. "I have your human mother, Kurama. Or should I say, Shuichi?!"

For the briefest moment, Kurama's composure slipped. It was all Roto needed. His blade sliced across Kurama's face.

Kurama leapt backwards to the other side of the ring. Blood trickled from a single cut on his face.

NO! Sakura slapped her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming. Even Hiei looked stunned.

Kuwabara gasped. "What happened? He's bleeding! You said that guy was no match for Kurama!"

Kurama glared at Roto with a lethal stare, much to the evil demon's amusement. He held up some kind of handheld device with a bright red button.

"Allow me to introduce my little button. When I press it, a signal will be sent to my demon brother. He's been tracking your mother for some time, you see. And he's been very anxious to bite her head off!"

Kurama didn't say anything in response, but the anger on his face terrified Sakura. The only time she'd seen him look that murderous was when he'd burst into Suzaku's chambers and realised what the tokage were trying to do to her...


Kurama noticed Sakura's torn shirt and his bone-chilling rage seemed to freeze the room.

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