Chapter 19: Heartbreak

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I don't own YYH, just my OCs.

Chapter 19

Don't look back. Whatever you do, don't look back! 

Adrenaline was the only thing keeping Sakura from losing her mind entirely. 

Just keep moving, no matter what.

Sakura's heart was on the verge of crumbling. Blood was dripping down her right arm. But still, she kept going. Genkai's energy signal was strong, and as long as it remained, there was hope. In the back of her mind, she could sense Yusuke making his way towards Genkai thanks to their newly strengthened connection. If both of them worked together, maybe they could stop the bloodshed...

Yusuke, I'm coming! 

Sakura put her head down and urged herself to keep running. Even in the face of what had happened to her master, she wouldn't give up.


Shin... his energy just vanished! 

Though separated from her friend by a distance, Genkai's old heart clenched and she knew what had happened.

Toguro knew it too. "Did you feel that? Looks like my brother finally got rid of that traitor after all. Wish I could have done it myself, but this is probably going to be more fun,"

"It must've been a sad existence," Genkai gritted her teeth and channeled her raw emotions at the apparition responsible for this whole wretched situation. "After you'd made your decision and had started your glorious new life. What did you think about when you couldn't fall asleep? Because I know that it happened,"

Toguro was solemn, but his words were still full of venom. "For a very long time, I only thought of you, Genkai. A major reason why you have to die!" Toguro's power was causing a gale to whip up around them. He smirked at her. "Do you have any other distractions? Or can I stay powered up this time?"

Genkai could sense Sakura racing in their direction. The poor girl would be devastated, and there was a good chance she'd witnessed the entire thing. Knowing Yusuke, he wouldn't be far behind. Genkai knew she had to end this, now. "No. Everything I needed has been answered,"

"Excellent. I'd hate to leave an old hag unfulfilled!" Toguro hissed with a huge grin. "I'd like you to watch me very closely as my muscles increase this time. See the power you could've had!"

He began powering up even more, but Genkai only sighed wistfully. "I was such a foolish little girl. I should've been able to see from the start how you'd turn out. You had it written in ugly black letters across your soul,"

She was remembering that day on the lake, when she'd tried to reassure Toguro that aging was just part of life, and nothing to be ashamed of. Even after all these years, her naïveté still stung. If only she had been as perceptive as Shin. Would it have changed things?


"Urameshi! Come on, this isn't funny!" Kuwabara kicked at the dirt outside the hotel, muttering to himself about being left out of the loop.

"That's a bad sign," Shizuru deadpanned. "He's mumbling and walking backwards,"

Kuwabara's face lit up. "Yukina! Hey, and you brought your three servants too!"


"For a joke to get old, it has to be funny in the first place baby bro," Shizuru growled. "Why were you talking to yourself?"

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