Chapter 7: I wish this was a Dream

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This chapter was written by A ( Nishinoya4life )

TW: rentering a cycle of abuse, gaslighting, emotional abuse (if I missed any please tell me)
Tommy was sleeping in a tree (It wasn't as pathetic as it sounds I promise). It was just like, a temporary situation, until he was more on his feet ready for a comeback, shut up he wasn't pathetic, the furthest thing from it. He was settling down for the night, ready to fall asleep when he hears a sharp voice,

"Tommy. Innit, come down here right now"
and Tommy tensed, he knew that voice.
he KNEW that voice.
That was Dream.
If you were ever a foster kid in the area Tommy was located in you knew who Dream was. He was a fairly successful lawyer and would practically BEG the workers to allow him to become a foster parent, for unknown reasons he's always been denied. Shit he's getting off focus, he tends to do that a lot. Tommy scolded himself mentally before shouting out:

"What Fuckface? I don't have to do anything you say!" Tommy spat, Dream, in return, laughed at Tommy.

"Alright alright, let's call Phil and see how mad and disappointed he is in you for running away." Tommy's eyes widened and he scrambled to get off the tree. (He also wondered how Dream knew Phil, but he shoved that thought aside)

"No, no no nonono you can't do that! Please, please don't tell Phil! I'll do anything!" Dream grinned at that confession.

"Alright, come with me, my car is close by" Tommy gaped as Dream sauntered out of the forest,

"But- what? What are you doing? Why?" Dream tilted his head back to stare Tommy in the eyes.

"Phil would be so sad if you turned up so miserable like this, you can't go back there, what would his nice, loving family think of you then? You'll live with me, be thankful I'm taking in a disappointment like you. " Tommy stared incredulously at the man as he kept walking, really thinking about what Dream said, and the more it set in the more willing he became as he stood up and jogged after Dream who was almost out of sight.

What Tommy had said earlier, about Dream never getting accepted for fostering for an "unknown reason" Tommy knew, HE was that reason.

When Dream had started his quest to be a parental figure Tommy was his first chance, and the only one he was given.

Dream was good, not confusing like Phil, he gave a set of rules and Tommy followed them, then he was safe, then Dream didn't hurt him. Tommy knew, Dream would talk about how if he broke the rules people would come take him away, he would get in prison and people would beat him to death with their lunch potatoes. Tommy didn't want that.

Eventually he was found out, the neighbors heard some suspicious noises and called the police, now Dream keeps claiming he cleaned up his act but he was ignored.

Dream opened the car door, gripping Tommy's shoulder tightly as Tommy gaped.

There was NOT going to be a problem with nosy neighbors, Dreams new house is huge, and also in the middle of the woods.

Shit, Tommy was in for a time.

A/N: So what do you think? As stated at the beginning I did not write this chapter and probably won't write to many in the future; but go follow Nishinoya4life because it has been so helpful. I just couldn't fit this and two musicals into my schedule so this is how chapters will probably work.
Oh yeah changed the title to be more normal
Another thing I will change A/Ns to E/Ns because I'm technically the editor now
Anyways, enjoy your day!

A's Notes: Hello there! This is A; I'm im excited to be writing this story and can't wait to bring all merely's ideas into fruition! My personal account is Nishinoya4life and I write things once in a blue moon there. If you have any Feedback/ want to rant at me for making you sad my messages are open!

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