Chapter Thirty-seven: We'd like to see you

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Mare's POV:

The first thing that registers in my mind when I wake up is the feeling of a small arm wrapped around my middle from behind me.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Eadaz Knight was fucking spooning me.

I was a fucking little spoon.

And I liked it.

My lips pursed, my chest tightening as I struggled to not burst out laughing. Sure, it might have been self-deprecating- lying here, struggling not to laugh at myself, but I honestly just didn't care.

I took a deep breath to center myself, not wanting to wake Ead. I balanced my weight on my hand as I turned over, Ead's arm still wrapped around my waist.

My eyes cracked open, and I almost cried when I realized that the first person I got to look at this morning, was someone was beautiful as her.

Someone as delicate, yet strong. Someone as smart, yet stupidly in love. Someone who couldn't even chop a log of wood, yet could make the most powerful person in the universe do anything she wanted.

Eadaz had complete control over me. She could tell me to do something for her, and if I knew it would help her, if I knew it would make her happy, I would do it in a heartbeat.

By default, Eadaz Knight was the most powerful person on the planet.

The thought almost made me spiral out of control.
I lay there for a moment longer, taking in her features as my teeth grind together, my jaw flexing.  The soft jut of her jaw, the delicate array of freckles across her cheekbones and noses. The mole that was right on the bridge of her nose.

Her eyelashes dusting her cheeks. Her full, soft lips-God, I loved that I knew her lips her soft. Her fiery hair splayed across the pillow. My hand came to rest on her head, cradling her into me.

I took a deep breath, taking in the feeling of her sleeping body against me. After a couple minutes, I heard rustling down in the kitchen. I cracked an eye open, contemplating whether I should move or not.

I thought, if it's Mrs. Knight, then it would be a good chance to try and get in her good graces. With that thought in mind, I gently extracted myself from around Ead,  tucking the blanket up to her chin before making my way downstairs.

I quietly made my way into the kitchen, seeing Mrs.
Knight and Mr. Knight both in the kitchen, moving around and making breakfast. I knew they didn't hear me coming down the stairs so I took a moment to watch them.

I watched the way they moved around each other, reaching for seasonings and the dynamics of familiarity settling in the air. I watched the way Mrs.  Knight eyed the red stubble growing on Mr. Knight's chin, obviously annoyed at him for it.

I watched the way Mr. Knight would pass his wife, trying to pass by her as close as possible, their bodies close together.

I knew it probably looked creepy. My tall, lithe body standing at the door to the kitchen, watching my girlfriend's parents cook breakfast.

But it was so much more than that. My throat went tight as my chest constricted, and a sick feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I recognized it instantly as jealousy.

I was jealous of not the way Ead's parents loved each other, but of the fact that they could. The moment I felt this feeling, I felt guilty for it.

I knew, in my heart, that there was nothing I could do about it. My dad died, so I could live. So that my mom could be happy knowing I was safe.

I pushed all these thoughts away, instead curling a finger and knocking against the doorframe to make my presence known. They both lifted their heads, looking at me.

Mr.Knight smiled brightly, gesturing me in while Mrs. Knight stood there, a small tight smile on her face, her look impassive.

I took a seat on one of the barstools at the island, smiling a thank you when Mr. Knight set down a glass of orange juice on front of me, a slight click resounding off the marble counter.

"I didn't know you spent the night- a pleasant surprise nonetheless." Mr. Knight said as he flipped a pancake on the stove.   

"Yeah by the time Ead and I had finished studying, it was almost midnight so..." I said, shrugging.

They both nodded in unison... which wasn't creepy like at all. They both studied me in silence as I sipped on my orange juice.

They glanced at each other a couple of times obviously having a conversation with just their eyes then looked back at me. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, "So I feel like you have something to say." I say slowly.

"We'd like to see you." They say at the same time.

"Um, I'll be candid.... I have literally no clue what that even means." I say, slightly confused about the situation.

"We'd like to see you," Mr. Knight repeated, "In your werewolf form."

My eyes widened, "Oh. Oh. Um, ok. I guess that's fine."

"Good." Mrs. Knight said, sipping on some random mug that just appeared in her hand. No, no, I think the situation is just very distracted that I didn't realize that small detail.

"We find this necessary, Mare, because not only do we know that you are um, involved, with our daughter, but we also know how powerful you are just in human form right now and we'd like  a broader scope of your power. And for that to be possible we'd have to see you in werewolf form." Mr. Knight explained, his kind, soft, and almost awkward tone comforting me a tad bit.

"Plus, I'm honestly just curious to see a werewolf. I haven't seen one in ages." Mr. Knight shrugged tentatively, his broad shoulders lifting a tad bit.

"Ok. That's fine. Would you like me to wake up Ead as well?"


"Um, ok. Is she not coming?" I asked, confused.

"No, Amaranthine. I've made myself clear before. I don't her to see you in your werewolf form. At least not until I do." Mrs. Knight said, her face stoic, but I could see this fierceness in her eyes, I recognized it as protectiveness- for Ead.

I respected that.

But, I didn't say that, of course. I didn't want to seem like I was sucking up to her.

Like you aren't already doing that, Alex said.

Oh, just shut it, I said as we made our way to the forest, quiet, careful to not wake up Ead.


"Ok, um now this is the part where I, Uh, get... naked so if you don't mind..." They both got the hint, turning around.

I took a deep breath before stripping. I could feel the cold air gliding against my alabaster skin, leaves whirring around on the forest ground.

"Ok, under no circumstances do you turn around. Not because I'm naked or whatever but because when I shift, there is this weird ass light thing radiates off me and if you look... it'll, uh, blind you, so... don't look." They both gave me thumbs up at the same time- ok that is getting creepy.

Ok, Alex, I Amaranthine Pike, Alpha of the Shadow pack, daughter of Alpha Gregory Pike, give you permission to shift.

1247 words


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