Chapter 28 Crack 28

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Chapter 28 Crack 28

"Ready?" On Ronghua Road, Guo An was slightly nervous sitting in the driver's seat of a van, clutching the steering wheel with both hands, and asked Li Kang, who was squatting at the tailgate of the car.

This is a van with double doors at the rear. Li Kang crouched on the left, holding the door handle in his right hand, and nodded silently.

He is as nervous as Guo An, because immediately, their car will rush into Dawning Square at the fastest speed.

"Okay... I'll start when I count to three." Guo An took a breath and said silently: "I hope that thing is really worth our risk." After

counting down to three, this car stopped on the sidewalk. The white van rushed out like an arrow from the string!

Several low-level monsters wandering on the side of the road chased after seeing this, but they were left far behind the car.

The monsters on the square in front naturally noticed the movement here, and all turned their heads to look over here.

Two of them stood together and even communicated with each other, as if they were discussing what the car wanted to do.

More monsters rushed towards them in the first place.

After only a few seconds, the van rushed into the square.

Guo An drove the car and watched the evolved monsters running towards here, his heart beating like a drum.

He suppressed the desire to turn the car and turn around and flee, and slammed the accelerator to the end, his arm reversed, and he controlled the car to make a big turn of nearly seventy degrees!

Accompanied by the harsh rubbing sound of the tires, the vehicle bypassed several monsters rushing from the front, and slammed a small one next to it with a "bang", and continued to rush forward without stopping!

There was a crackling sound from all over the body. Li Kang raised his head and glanced forward, only to see that countless icy edges of the thickness of chopsticks popped out from somewhere outside, and they were hitting here as if it was raining!

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel extremely grateful that they had put iron sheets on the windows of the car before they started to act.

Only the front windshield is not reinforced in order not to affect the line of sight.

The strength of a single one of those ice ridges may not be strong enough, but under the continuous attack one by one, the front window of the car quickly shattered and blossomed.

Fortunately, there was a film on the car windows, the broken glass did not fall down immediately, and it was still able to protect the people in the car a little bit.

But this didn't last long. Soon, the first ice ridge penetrated the car window and slammed into the leather seat!

Li Kang shouted: "You fucking drive faster!"

"I am the most dangerous person now, okay? You can shut up!"

Guo An's nerves have been stretched to the extreme, and he is driving hard. Rushing in the direction of the crack, while paying attention to the icy edge in front, you have to tilt your head or bend over to hide from time to time.

At the same time, more abilities began to greet their car.

A piece of yellow sand emerged from nowhere, drilled directly in from the windshield side, and the originally riddled glass couldn't block it at all.

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