Chapter 36 Crack 36

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Chapter 36 Crack 36

"Tang Mi!"

Xia Yao grinds her teeth, and subconsciously drew out the knife to cut the rope, but she quickly reacted. At this time, Tang Mi was already on the second floor. Even if she cut the rope, it was useless. .

She hurriedly put away her weapons, picked up the hot water bottle by the window, and threw them all towards Tang Mi one by one.

The hot water bottle opened in mid-air, and the hot water splashed all over him.

It's a pity that the water is not so hot anymore.

Tang Mi only exclaimed, then jumped to the ground and rolled, turned and ran.

After running away from the corner, he stopped and shook his clothes quickly while shouting at Xia Yao: "You woman, didn't you say good things last time and don't hold grudges?!"

"You didn't do anything bad , what did you run for?" "Xia Yao glanced at the rope in front of him, gritted his teeth and said: "Where is Xia Rui? Hand over the people to me!"

Tang Mi put on a dazed look, and said loudly, "The matter of his disappearance has nothing to do with me! A little one! Baby, what use is it for me to harm him! I won't tell you anymore, I'll go first, and see you if you are destined!"

He finished speaking and turned around and ran.

Xia Yao grabbed the rope in front of him and wanted to follow, but hesitated.

Should she go after Tang Mi now, or should she look for clues in Wu Liao's dormitory first?

The anti-theft bar of the window looks like it was cut off specially by a tool, and it is by no means just recently cut. The degree of dust accumulation is at least three days.

Besides, Tang Mi was inside the dormitory just now, so if you want to get in and out, you can open the door by yourself, and you can't jump out of the window.

In other words, this window is a back road that was prepared a long time ago-this fits Tang Mi's personality very well, just like in that underground supermarket, he is a person who will prepare for the worst in advance.

And this incident also shows that Tang Mi and Wu Liao must know each other, and...

Xia Yao turned around and glanced at the bed in the room. That's right-Tang Mi lived in the same dormitory with Wu Liao.

He did not come to this dormitory temporarily, nor did he hide here for any purpose, but lived with Wu Liao all the time.

But his existence, not many people seem to know.

Xia Yao couldn't help thinking of the map with small black dots, and the words that Tang Mi had said popped up in his mind.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what the small black dots on the map represented.

If you guessed it correctly, it should be... a crack.

In this case, Wu Liao and Tang Mi must have reached some kind of agreement.

So what happened to that group of monsters?

The crack point is not on the base. The monster group that appears from the northwest does not need to pass through this base no matter which of the two points is going to. So why do they travel here for a long distance?

These speculations and questions flashed in his mind, Xia Yao retracted his thoughts and did not chase Tang Mi for the time being, but turned around and quickly searched in Wu Liao's room.

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