Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Li Jiao sat there dirty, with many large and small wounds on his body.

He was wiping the blood off his body, and he realized that some people suddenly looked at him.

He raised his head in surprise, and saw that several people were looking at him. He was taken aback and asked blankly: "What's the matter?"

Li Kang asked first: "Did you see Ye Zhan just now?"

"Ah?" He was confused for a moment, turned his head and looked around, before he was astonished: "Boss Ye is missing?!" After a

pause, he reacted: "Why did you ask me? I was confused just now, and my own consciousness was not Clearly, I didn't notice the others at all..."

When they were talking, Xia Yao and Jiang Zhuo had already left here, and continued to look for the positions of the two opponents.

Most of the yellow sand in the air dissipated, and Jiang Zhuo blew them away with the wind.

The two searched in mid-air, and soon saw a figure crawling in the grass.

From a distance, the person seemed to be seriously injured, so the two boldly approached directly.

It was only after the distance got closer that the man was burned like this by the fire.

Most of his body was burnt and full of singe, some places were scorched, and some places had red cracks, which made people feel very painful at first glance.

He noticed the approach of Xia Yao and Jiang Zhuo, so he stopped crawling anymore, turned over and lay on the ground recognizing his fate.

The face behind him was also half burned.

After being burned like this, neither of them heard the screams just now.

Either this person did not make a sound, or it was about the same time as the base wall collapsed, causing his voice to be blocked.

In short, no matter what the reason is, it's good to catch one alive.

Xia Yao took the lead in pulling out the knife and walking over, placing the knife on his throat, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you the one with sand or the one with the control system?" The

man didn't really care about the knife in her hand, but At this time he had given up struggling, so he replied directly: "Sand."

His voice was so dumb that it was almost inaudible.

After speaking, he took a few breaths and said: "Give me a good time."

"Yes." Xia Yao said: "Tell me where your companion is first? One of us is missing. Is it because of you? Caught?"

The man said hoarsely: "The people in the truck are captured from another base. In order to lure you to use all your abilities on them...our base, there are many people in the base. T City, Baiyang me kill them."

"Is this the location of your base?"

He nodded, and a wry smile appeared on his burnt and deformed face: "That control system...causes me to change. That's what happened. Your people, yes, were captured by a supernatural power who can transform into...other people...and there is also a person who can be invisible, who killed them and killed me."

He intermittently, it took him nearly a minute to finish the sentence.

Only then did Xia Yao understand that the flute that came to mind for the second time just now was that the person with the control system supernatural power was controlling this person.

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