37: Baby Girl I'm Home

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*Barry X My Oc Sam. (AU of my AU - Sam and Barry get uninspected news )

Barry was excited for today, he finally got to see Sam again. Even though they had seen each other last week Barry found himself getting impatient as he watched the clock tick away at work. as soon as it hit his time to go he ran out of the school like a bullet leaving a gun and sprinted towards his car.

Sam was waiting around for him at her apartment, she had ordered a pizza for them both and ordered a movie to watch.

He opened the door with a grin on his face when he saw her "Baby girl I'm home" he said with a smirk.

"Oh you" she waves him off with a laugh.

Barry chuckled walking over to kiss her deeply.

She kisses him back and reaches around him, squeezing his ass "I missed you"

"Mmm I missed you too" he mumbled looking at her affectionately.

"I ordered a pizza and a movie for us"

"Aww you shouldn't have"

"I want to have fun with you tonight" she kisses his jawline.

"Well I'm never gonna say no to that" he grinned holding her close as they dance along the room.

"I got you some gifts"

"Wow you're spoiling me tonight, movies, pizza, presents anymore surprises for tonight?" he beamed kissing her again.

"Well lets get to the gifts shall we?" she smirks handing him one and when he opens it's some nice drawing supplies and paper.

"Oh wow Sam this is amazing, you know how many sketches I can draw now, thank you baby" he said gratefully.

"I love your sketches toots"

"I know what I'm gonna draw next" he said certainly.

"I'm not done with your gifts" she hands him another one.

He opened it up slowly with a smile so big.

"It's a strap on for me to wear when your in one of those naughty moods" she chuckles

"I love you so much" he whispered kissing her softly.

"Mm I love you too" she kisses him back "I try to be best of both sexes for you"

"I just want you" he moaned.

"And all I want is you my sweet Barry"

"I can't believe I found you" he said feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.

"We found each other thanks to Dennis" she chuckles.

"I can't thank him enough" he said leaning back on the sofa taking her with him

She giggles and continues to kiss him, being playful with him "Mm I wish that pizza would come already, I'm starving"

"Mmm yeah I'm a little hungry as well" he sighed kissing her again.

"I've been eating a lot more lately and kind of ruining my diet"

"Everything okay?" he asked her looking a little concerned for her.

"I got a one of those home tests and I haven't looked at it yet" she swallow's hard.

"Really...you think you could be..." he gasped.

"Um.. I don't know, I mean I've taken birth control for years now"

"It's in the bathroom on the back of the toilet, do you want to bring it out here to look at or should I?"

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