𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧

18 1 0

I was so excited and nervous about today !! New teachers and new classmates. I quickly got ready for today,  a quick shower with my favorite apricot body wash and shampoo. I decided to braid my hair today, lightly, after drying it. And I wore a black crop top with blue shorts. I also applied my strawberry lip gloss and got the perfect look. I quickly went downstairs for breakfast, everyone was already there. I sat beside my sister on the dining table and said my good mornings. We had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. My sister was much more excited than me since she has just entered middle school.

"Tell me more about middle school naa.." She pleaded. She had been, I would rather say, pleading for the last two days and before that too.

"Nah, you'll see when you go to school today and you'll like it, I can guarantee you that" I told her.

I usually dropped my sister to her school in my car so we start off a bit early.

"Let's go we're getting late now" I called to my sister

"Coming!" she called back while I got into the car. And she came 5 minutes later. We drove to Olivia's school while I played my favorite country music (I love country music).I dropped her at her school, said goodbye to Olivia and her friends and reached my school. Someone had already taken my usual parking spot so I had to take the next spot available. I was greeted by Angela who looked equally as excited as I was.

"Hey, which section are you in?? " she asked excitedly.

"I'm in E what's yours? I hope we are in the same section" I replied worried a bit. Without Angela, my school life would be extremely lonely and boring. 

"Oh no we're in different sections! Mine in A.. " Her face dropped a bit and all my excitement had gone away. Now I would be completely alone in my class unless...

"Hey Emma! Angela! What's your section ?" someone asked clearly excited from behind us. It was Rima Jones who is a bit... overfriendly I would say. She in real did not have many friends but she would tag along with anyone, mostly us. And she is a type of girl who would just go on blabbering and talking on and on. That's one good thing so I don't have to speak much with her and so I get along with her well. Also she is kind and nice so I liked her.  We met last year and so we became friends when I saw she was lonely just like me. But then I became friends with Angelina. I know her for a long time and we were like "just friends" but then we sat together for some time last year and spent a lot of time together and we became great friends as we shared many common interests. We also went to a school trip together where we had a looooot of fun and so we became very closely bonded.

We told her our sections while walking towards our lockers and she told us that she is in E only.  At least someone is better than no one. I knew Angela could make friends very easily but I can't (Angela is not an introvert like I am). I took out the necessary things for this class and we, (Me and Angela) promised each other that we would at least meet in lunch-time everyday and went away to  our respective classrooms.

In our science class we had mostly familiar people, most were from our last year's class only, but some faces I didn't recognise (Must be new to our school or I had not noticed much and nor do I care). I sat with Rima on the second bench in the fourth row (Again I'm not a nerd mind you, I just like that seat since its neither too near the teacher and nor too far away and you can look outside the window best from this seat). All the classrooms in our school had the same setup. Our class has 4 rows and the teachers desk is between the second and third row and we had 5 benches in each row. Our smart-board is just on the right of the teacher's table. And there were windows lined on the wall beside the fourth row and behind the last bench of every row.  Also our school, being very old, did not have Air-conditioning though it had ample number of fans to provide air for all. In winters though it would become very cold.

Our science teacher entered the class after 10 minutes. We all greeted the teacher. She is our science teacher (she will teach us all three - physics, chemistry and bio) and she told us that she would fix partners who would sit together and work together for the whole year atleast in her class. Actually in our school, we had Separate sections having class teacher and we had to assemble to our class for some time and do the prayer and all and then we can go to our respective classes according to our time-table. And different sections will have different class teachers so there was no chance me and Angela could be together in any period. After prayer and a short introduction with our new classmates and teacher, we went off to our respective classes. I had maths now and I had no one to go and sit with so I went off alone.  

Maths Classroom was a bit different, they had single seater desks and chairs. I sat in between Lois Noble and Julia Davis and both of them are okay to sit with. Then we had P.E which I liked cause we can play some games atleast. Most of the time I played badminton with Rima and then we went for water when the bell rang. Then we had Psychology so I went to the class and had to sit alone since no friend of mine had this class with me.

Psychology is the only subject which I feel connected with, the most. I understood it fairly well and even participated actively in the class. As the bell rang I kept my things in my locker and rushed to the cafeteria and waited for Angela to arrive at our usual table. She came after some 5 minutes with some new friends she had made, then she bid goodbye to them and came to our table. We had our lunch and chatted about our day. After the bell rang, we went to our respective classes, she had maths and I had english. After that I had history which I hate just like maths since I can't concentrate in class-I feel so sleepy. The bell rang and it was science period. I felt nervous don't know why...


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