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"Thank you for coming." Xie Lian smiled on the two who had finally took glimpse on him after several months of being secluded from his pregnancy stage.

"Is that...." Feng Xin was the first to recover and tried to reach for the baby. Hua Cheng wanted to stop him but Xie Lian shake his head and willingly gave the baby to Feng Xin who was deprived to see his own baby before.

"C-Can I, Your Highness?" he asked

Xie Lian smiled, "Of course!"

The baby hands wavered on the air as Xie Lian gently gave him to Feng Xin's arms.

Feng Xin smiled,
"He's so small and really looked like...." he stopped midway seeing that the burning reddish eyes of the baby was staring at him as if ridiculing the man's existence, just like one of those expression of Xueyu Tanhua's upon seeing him.

"Completely like Xueyu Tanhua." Mu Qing remarked who also joined in staring at the baby.

"Just how come you didn't get Xie Lian's feature?!" he added as if complaining that the baby's feature were mostly like from Hua Cheng!

Hua Cheng was about to argue back but Xie Lian pulled him, "Look at them." he giggled

The two were contradicting their words on their expressions. They obviously loved to play with the baby, letting their finger be grip tightly on the baby's clutch.

Days after, when Xie Lian fully regained himself. He confidently showed the baby all around the Ghost City because they were clamoring nonstop outside the Paradise Manor to see the baby.

They all shut in awe seeing the little one and immediately made vow to treat the baby just like they how treated Xie Lian and their Chengzhu.

"You should be from the start." Hua Cheng marked in an authoritative tone.

Xie Lian doesn't know if he should laugh or cry. Later on, the gods descended to pay their greetings on the great martial god including Pei Ming, the Rain Master, Lang Qianqiu, Quanzhen and many more. They made this day a complete holiday in hunting wild ghosts and criminal on loose just to visit Xie Lian on Ghost City.

Even the mortals like Pei Su, Banyue and Shi Qingxuan came to visit.

"Didn't thought it would really be that effective Your Highness." Shi Qingxuan said who was also dumbfounded from the fact that the pill enabled for them to give life.

Xie Lian chuckled.
"So how are you now Qingxuan?" he asked seeing that man was more haggard than before.

"I'm fine just been working a lot these past few days." he reasoned out

Xie Lian slightly smiled, he knew that something was troubling him and having the slightest hint of it he said, "Black water..."

Shi Qingxuan immediately flinched hearing the name.

But they were interrupted when a pitch cry of the baby was heard all around the receiving area of the manor.

"I-I-I didn't do anything wrong!!" Quanzhen was panicking because Pei Ming gave him the baby to him.

Pei Ming gave the baby to him seeing that Quanzhen was sparkling in delight when he stared at the baby.

Yin Yu sighed even though it's against him, he went over to gently take the baby from the panicking Quanzhen.
"Sh-Shixiong?" the martial god was tearing.

All the other god present laughed from the sight.

"Your Highness." Yin Yu can't shush the baby any longer and gave him to Xie Lian.

The baby immediately hushed down when Xie Lian finally wrapped his arms around him and was already wiggling in all smiles.

"Ain't he adorable?" Shi Qingxuan melted over his cuteness.

"Gege." Hua Cheng finally arrived.

His eyes met Shi Qingxuan, "Someone came to pay a visit too but doesn't want to expose himself. So I lead him to a good restaurant just around the corner." he said as he gently take the baby from Xie Lian.

Hearing the statement, one who is quite familiar to the person he's referring could immediately know who is it.

Shi Qingxuan stiffly smiled.

But Xie Lian and Hua Cheng didn't mind anything else and silently went outside carrying the child in all contentment.

Hua Cheng took two pair of dice and rolled it up, creating a door and immediately transported them to Pu Qi Shrine.

"Now we're completely home."

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