Chapter 11

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The following week, you know you had to attend Chris's class. He was, after all, still your Professor. You both came to an agreement that while you were both on campus, you would keep your relationship under wraps. You hadn't seen him since the night he slept over, but you didn't want to overthink it too much. He hadn't mentioned anything about the other woman, so you figure he was still working on it.

As the class waits for Professor Chris to arrive, you see the same woman from last class approach you. Taking a deep breath, she looks down at you and smirks.

"I guess the rumors about you sleeping with the Professor were right. He cancels class and follows you after you storm out... I'd say you got him hooked."

You sigh, trying desperately not to answer, but she kept on talking. And talking. And talking.

"If you were jealous, all you had to do was say so. We aren't in high school anymore, okay? Whatever you think you're doing... It's not going to work. You aren't going to get under my skin. If you want him to pay attention to you that badly, then raise your hand and speak the fuck up. If you hadn't noticed, maybe he has taken an interest in me because I'm the only one in this damn class who isn't afraid to voice her opinion. It's a literature class. There's no right or wrong answer," you rant. The rest of the class looks at you and while others flash you an agreeing look, others just glare.

The woman was just about to say something before Professor Chris approaches the door and unlocks it for the rest of the class. You see her immediately walk next to him and you feel the slightest of jealousy before it disappears.

You were going to take a risk and you didn't care if you were going to get hurt. It was time you stop dwelling on the 'what if' and take action.

"Professor Chris, I'm willing to share whatever you ask in today's class." You hear the woman speak, seeing her take a seat in the front row. You roll your eyes. She was so desperate.

Chris sets his things down and looks at the woman, tilting his head. "What's your name?"

"Amber. Taking this class for a general-ed requirement, but that doesn't mean I won't give it my all," she responds.

You take a seat, pulling out the book and notebook before you glance at the interaction between Amber and the man you potentially have a relationship with.

"So far, you haven't shown me that you've given me your all, so you're going to have to fucking prove it to me. That goes to everyone else in this class. I don't care if this is a requirement for your general-ed... As long as you are in this classroom, you will speak up and voice your opinions. It's time you start acting like college students and less like high school students."

He turns his back to Amber and you see her narrow her eyes at you. Simply, you flash her a smile. You were sure that would get her riled up.

Professor Chris begins his lecture and you instantly take notes down, catching his eyes every now and then. You know he would start a discussion soon, so you set your pen down to look through the book at various lines that caught your eye.

"Since you all should have finished Hamlet, any thoughts on it? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Could it have ended differently? I want to know," you hear him ask, seeing him lean against the edge of his desk.

You glance around and no one raises a hand. You sigh. Apparently no one got his message.

"Fucking seriously? Alright, Amber. What's your take on Hamlet?" He turns his attention to her, narrowing his eyes from behind his glasses. You could tell that he was irritated simply because no one in the class was going to participate. It was already the third week of the semester and yet, everyone was still afraid of him.

Chris Evans: Professor ChrisWhere stories live. Discover now