George stoodd there atr tht medbay, waiting fkr red dto fi ish scannigb. Geroge knew that red wasbt impsofer because he wasscamming and it was working.he had actually Forgottern who was red? so he thought that it was probabb sapnap ebcuad sapnao is always red in a gus. aFter napsap lefte tje med bay, groger followed him to securitt.
"Georage are you follwing me? asked nsaonap?{" Sapnap turned aoruhd at the entrancre of securutity.
"No," said geroge. "I zm going to wathc the securyity cameras to try to cztch iposyter."
Oj ok sid napap. Dapsap went to walking to lower engine whikle g3orge went int sdecutryi to ttry to catcxh tge im[oster. He was distractred.
"Boo" said sombeoby behindn george. Eroge jumped. "Who was tha 11"
Gorge loocked and saw................ It wzs dream!!!1!! hello dtream " said george in reply.
drrm layghed. "HHa i scraed you afraid colourblind"
"I'mm not colurkbojd!!!!" George scrowwed in angry. "I kno youre are yellow.,"
I am green, l.ime green :)) sid dteam.
geroge cried.c "Oka maybe i am colrblinde. Yoyu cante do anytib about tnat!! Not my falot.'
dsrema laughed. "anywa drem whatare you dong here????!!!!" gorge scried.
drema "I'm looking at the security cameras." wjat arr you oding???
George lifed his habnd and pointed at dream. Make sure you're were not imposter??!! OHHHHHH11!!!1!
Dream said. "ill noy oposter! he grabbed goerge and tackele him to the grond." "If you aint imposer why tackel me?/? GEt 0ff of me you IMPOSTER!!" glrge said sadly.
Sudden georhe ;ooke around andsawt hat the doors in securyitt were closde!! 'oh no!!' thogt gorge. Hw id ong to kill me. :(
sudneky as goertge was aobut to clal out for help, drama bput His hand ovr his mothu.gore bit his hand.
Dream crief OUCH!!! An dhit george over the facw, George moaned. Gerg pujed dram off of his, qnd sat up with dam sititn neet to him. "Oh dream~~~~~~~~~3" george said seducivel ;) "We r alongev bhobody else is in ehre."
Dreame began t sweat.v "What are yoyo trying do??" Dream scoted a little bit a way from goref. goeg crept locser.
"George winkes ;:D" What is under ths spacefshuy?" asked gorgvqasa he put his hand s on dreams waste. dream shibvetef in oleasure. "Amogus"
George began tom feelt along dreams waiste. dream shiverd as his soft sharp figners toched his thigs. "gorgeeee" drrem mona lisa.
Geoge suddenly dug his fing4re into dramed spaceusiurt, ripping it from his waist into 2 pa5ts. Dreamdidnt know he wss so strong!!!!!
Goge began to pulld own the bototn part 0f the spaceeduit that he had rupped offf. eventual he saw draem's big DICK!!!
Dream i didntk 'know you were so big" said gorge" 27. and georg put his moiyh over the tip of dream's big cock. Je brethed onto his tip sns dtrem begn to twithc. "aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA" said cdream happily. George winked. ;;))
dresm coldnet hold back anymore >:( Drwm thrustef forwqdr into geaorge's mouthe. , chocking geroge a litle bit. "Ohhhh" sad dream. sus
Among us in real life sus sus among us in real life sus sus. Geroge puleld his ehad back qand behgan to suck ond rnema p-enis. drmem swas moaning LOUD. m"ake sure nobby cant har us" zaid gorge betewen suck.
Drea, tryres to but his hand ove r his m outh but hs couslnt because he was are in a spacesour. he shiverd."gorg i mgonna cim!!!" deream SCREAMED.
Dream shot hids sdeed rihhtg into right george's motuhe. "Yummy delisicos" sgoerge smiled and pushed dresm over. dres loie on his abl and his diocw as sdnign up very high and big!!! george ran vper to dreama dn grabbed hid balls and sarted gto playw ithb themGearoge put his moith and begabgto suck on bals]
"Yesticles" George moanred as he biy dream ball on the the ball sexy Deam shot CUM LIKEM A FOUNAITN from DICK.
George sat up a dn unxipped hisspacedsut. he reevelae his FAT ASS ans he was s0 thicc. ye abgan to twerk an drtesm watched a s he got a objner on a boner that he alreayd boner. had. "oh dresm~~~~ george.moaned as reveLED a maid dress udner his amongus spascexuir.
Dremas coulnt tAKE it anyrm. he sotod up and rna over to goerg. he got dick a dn ptuh his dick evrvery fast and hard into geornge assshole. geoge moande .loud beucashes o how fast and bard drewm was trhurudting.
Dream pushje geor ge agaiund t the wall of the vlsoed doore. gerogemoanedn loudly ib tk the wall ad dream pushek him mahgrder AS THe thrust rtrhust. Dreamyour so loijnh and big ":said georfw's dick" dre put hjds ha nd ove rgorg moyth tostiop him vffom making so mucbhh oise.
"you mzut shut" said gem. "som1 will her us.
Geotre trie murmuu gthrough drem hand a s dfrrm contineu thrudutying. "dream ic abt ur so bit and hot and sexy.
dmre felt warm buttcrack hole adoyn his didk as he dpdet up. he hit george;s male urterus and mown. SO HIT!11!!!1
"dreeeee i am goigjn to cun hot edyx!!!!" gheroge exclaimd. his yight bussy wss poudned hjard and harg by draems fasrt dick. COCK
suddrntl drem oshuhed his ehad foreazrd, dodging gorege hea dnan dsmashinh his head jnto thew door!!! it cradked his hel,met and helmet. dfrem came itnk goerge qd gis warm wet seemn expolro ghogerge isides.
geor cume tih drewm and moaned a loudly dcream. "senpai dresm" said said, amogus/
dream held otno goreg for a little bit satfenr bhe came, wholsding his didkc inside gheorge ass. afrter he detahed gerpoge fell ontot ehg roynd, cum leaciking pout of his as. that was sso hot "sai drem".
same said goerge as he pulee don his sapcesut. drme looekd around for george's sexy face. "george whwere did yoyu go ??/ " assed dream.
suddnetl gfelorbge pulled akngie out of hid spasce bakcpaxk. "Soyrr fdream i am imposer"
"OMG SUS!!!!1" Drema screamr as eh rtries to run but thew door was sitllc lsoed!!!!@! so scrar! Gerorge raun it to drema and stabbed him and stabbe dinto he diedf. geroge stoof tyher ecovered in blood and cvum under his spcesu. he didnt wna t anyone else to see dream dead cum body becuae theyw ould know that grpge killed him AND RTHAT HEY FUCEKE!!! So ghgeorge pullred out the magphon.
"DEAD BODY DRTEA IS DEAD IN THE SECURUTUT!!!" Goerege scremaned as sapnapo and karl and iwlbur nd tommy and tub sn d every0men came runnign t os ee wha happen!!! gorge eat thw cum before he reporded so nobys woyld know it was theyn fucked.
Dram loocked sald y at his deas fpbyd as ev eyrionme argued overnthwo killed him. "george sus :''(" drem ssaid sadly as hid ghosy faded aywya.
I sus you...
FanficDNF (dreamnotfound) (dream x georgenotfound) AMONG US SMUTFIC (NSFW) (18+) (HOT) (SEXY) (AMONGUS)