Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Dean, lazily pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt, lays his clothing on the bathroom counter. He leans his arms on the side of the sink, breathing heavily as if he had just run for hours. His breathing became shaky as if something had just terrified him to the core. He rinses his hands and washes his face, drying it with a towel as he looks up into the mirror- his face turns pale and cold as if he had just witnessed a ghost before him. He shakes his head and looks down once more, trying to forgive what had just happened again tonight.

Rowan knocks on the bathroom, creaking it slowly, "hey, hun? Are... you okay?" he asked. Dean, in discomfort, eventually releasing tension from his shoulders simply to not worry Rowan too much, turns toward his loving partner, "I had a nightmare again, that's all, its no biggy, really." he implied, in a comforting tone. Rowan walks up to Dean, comforting him from behind, feeling the bare, cold skin on his face, "I'm worried about you, y'know? Having nightmares every night is not good for your mental health, you gotta get it checked out....Also it's 2 in the morning, you gotta get some rest," Dean's face warms up, and smiles ever so slightly, "I know..." he acknowledges in a soft tone.

Rowan lets go of the hug and walks out of bathroom, just reaching the outside of the doorway, "let me know if you need anything," he comfortly reassures.

"thanks, I'll do that." Dean responds. Rowan creeks the door back closed as he walked out of the door, the footsteps getting quieter and quieter. Dean sighed in a slight sense of relief and loosened the tension of his body once more after being pressured by Rowans worry. He's aware of Rowans concern- but never speaks about it. He knows Rowan has good intentions and would never purposely harm him. He takes a heavy breathe once more as he limps over, "What the fuck is wrong with me...?" he questioned himself, in frustration. His tall, built body leaning over the counter- making it seem so much smaller than it really is. Dean is aware of his size, its unnatural- and he's aware something is up. He doesn't have much memory of his childhood- so it doesn't concern him all too much, but at the same time, worries him to the core if it reaches a certain point. Many apsects peak his imagination when its this late- Dean had barely gotten any sleep in the last 2 weeks and it's only gotten far worse for him. Rowan is aware, but never speaks of it- he's never been fond of the idea of them arguing. The last time didn't end too well and Dean felt terrible for the entire week. It's not easy for him to handle situations. Dean may appear large in size, but his heart is softer than you'd imagine.

The next morning he eventually had woken up from his sleep had barely had, grunting in pain from a headache. He looked to the side and saw Rowan sound asleep peacefully, his soft face shined after Dean has opened the curtains. Dean looked at him in awe, appreciating that someone actually accepts him for who he is. He was never one with everyone else and completely different from what society expects. He stood out like a sore thumb from his irregular height, unnaturally pale skin, and dark red hair with piercing blue eyes. At 27 years old, he still feels as if he's a teenager who goes through a phase of insecurities and often worries it'll probably never fade away from his appearance; yet somehow Rowan... a normal person, like everyone else, loves him for who he is regardless of his strange features and strange problems that comes with it. He never felt more appreciated than he does now.

It was the next morning and Dean had walked downstairs and poured himself some coffee after heating some up. Rowan has eventually woken up and eventually followed down, "G'morning, love," he greets Dean. Dean looked at Rowan and smiled, greeting him back in a soft tone. Rowan stood next to Dean as he laid his head on Dean's shoulder.
His face dropped into a concerned look, "Rowan?" he questioned in a worrying tone. Rowan looked up at Dean, noticing the worried expression on his face. Dean sighed in an unprepared, shaky voice, "what do you think of me...? of us? Do you... do you think we will be together forever?" Rowan's expression dropped, his heart dropping in pure worry, "I would never leave you, Dean, you're an important person in my life and I'd never change it for the world. I love you with all my heart and nothing has and will ever change it... I hope you know I mean what I say. I cannot express it more than that... I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you know? I don't wanna leave you, I can't imagine my life without you or imagining my life with someone else. You are so special to me, I hope you know that", Rowan responded, getting close toward Dean and leaning his head into his chest, feeling his heartbeat increase, "that's a relief, thank you for that. I hope you know I love you too," he responded, holding Rowan close to him. Dean kissed his forehead with ease, their height difference being perfect for a comforting hug.

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