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*The next one week was very ordinary, so I would not like to bore you with the details. The fact that you have come this far is astonishing. Nobody wanted to read my writing when I was in school.

So then, after that one week, I got the answer. Leela was watching a mystery movie on TV. I think it comes to her from me, her interest in the genre from such a young age. I peeked to see what was going on. In the scene flashing on the screen at that time, the detective had just received a note that looked as curiously queer as mine. After examining the note carefully for a few seconds, the man, proudly standing, chest puffed and all, then declared loudly to himself, "Achcha, so this is a message without vowels. Let me try to find the spots without vowels and problem solved!"

Wait... THAT GAVE ME AN IDEA!!! No wonder the text on TV and my note seemed so similar! They were missing vowels! I tried three combinations until I arrived at the one that seemed correct:

Ajay, hop it's you raiding this. And if it is, chuck with 31st Fiburry fur favrit city. Thanks.

Ajay, hope it's you raiding this. And if it is, chuck with 31st Fiburry fir favorite city. Thanks.

Ajay, hope it's you reading this. And if it is, check with 31st February for favorite city. Thanks.

Yes! That totally seemed like a mystery book clue. Now, what did the writer mean by 31st February? Oh yes, that's Leela's nickname, I remembered. How did this anonymous person know my personal life's reference? But that's a question for another time. In short, let me tell you how Leela got her crazy nickname.

It was the tutor's day to come over to our house. Leela was three years old then. She had to recite the number of days in different months to him. When she finished January, she came to February, which she claimed had 31 days. When the tutor asked her why, she simply said, "31st February exists! It's two days after my birthday!" She kept arguing and he accepted defeat. Since then, Leela has been called 31st February. But then the name was dropped, maybe only a few months ago?

I rushed over to the TV remote and paused the movie. "Oh, the twist in the story was just coming and you paused it!" she fretted. I asked her, "Oh then, what was your favorite city again?" "Delhi!" she screamed. Ever since our one trip there, she had loved it. "To Delhi then?" "Yes!" shouted Leela. Ok. So I would be booking a flight that went as soon as possible. And filling up the car's petrol, which was running low.

I unlocked my phone. I was just going to open the app for flights when an ad popped up on the entire screen. Classic Android. The ad said, 'Need a speedy and FREE ride to Delhi? Try us now!' I knew this kind of thing would get me in trouble, but I clicked anyway. I was directed to some website called I saw a flash on the screen: YOU ARE A FAST PACKER. CAB ARRIVING IN 1 HOUR. How did a random website ACCURATELY know how fast I pack? But anyway, I packed my bag, Leela's bag and kept them at the door, expecting no cab.

Just then I got a phone call. It said: JD-M Cab Service. I picked it up. An automated-sounding female voice answered. "Your cab is waiting under tower 6, please come down,". How did this place know my address?? This was getting creepier and creepier. I grabbed our bags, took Leela and headed for the lift. We went down and found a nice, big car waiting for us at the parking lot. We went inside. A nice, friendly-looking driver greeted us with a cheery "Hello!". He drove out the society gate and we were off. 

Signed, EnvelopeWhere stories live. Discover now