Chapter Twelve.

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Last nights scenes were still replaying in my mind the next day, he didn't even have the balls to admit that he was taking Abbie, my best friend on a date?

I sat waiting for David to return from training, I chose not to go as I was tired and I didn't want to face Ander and have another conversation.

Shortly the doorbell sounded, I sighed as I thought it would be David forgetting his key, yet again.

"Can't you remember your key at least once." I sighed, opening the door.

I glanced up to realise it wasn't David, it was in fact Ander. Awkward.

"Are you going to stand there, staring at me or are you going to invite me in?" Ander spoke.

"Neither, David isn't here so bye." I said in reply, pushing the door shut but his foot got in the way.

"I didn't come here to see Dave, I came to see you."

"But I don't want to talk to you, I told you last night to leave me alone." I gritted through my teeth.

"Look, there's paparazzi outside the gates, seeing this conversation so I guess you have to let me in." A slight smirk played on his lips.

I sighed in defeat, walking back into the living room and leaving him to walk in himself.

He came and sat opposite me on the one sofa, facing me.

"David will be home shortly." I said, hoping to get the conversation over with faster.

"He won't. The coach asked him to stay an extra hour to practise some new skills." He smirked.

"Great." I rolled my eyes. "What do you even want?"

"To talk." He simply replied.

"You always want to talk Ander, every single time and the conversations never go anywhere. It's exhausting." I sighed.

"I want to explain about last night."

"Okay." I looked down, I didn't want to hear this.

"Yeah, I am. She seem to like me, so I just asked her. It doesn't-."

"You are what?" I wanted to hear him say those words, even though at the same time him saying those words are going to hurt me, but he can't know that.

"Yeah, I'm taking Abbie out on a date." He sighed.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, I didn't know what to say. My heart beat started to get faster by the second.

"Have fun?"

"What?" He looked confused.

"I said have fun, what do you want me to say? I'm happy for you? Jumping for joy because my best friend has a date with an annoying football player?"

"I'm annoying?"

"Yes, you're annoying as hell, you talk to me one second and then you ignore me the next, I don't get you." I sighed, I'm saying too much.

"Jas, I don't mean to be like tha-." I cut him off.

"Ander please just leave, I only wanted to hear the truth that's all." I got up to walk him to the door, soon he followed.

"Jas, please." He stood inches away from me, the same position like outside the restaurant toilets last night.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, holding back the small tears that gathered in my eyes, I didn't want him to take Abbie out on a date.

"Please, go." I whispered.

He opened his mouth to say something but the key in the door stopped him, I jumped away from him and sat on the stairs. David walked in.

"Ander? What are you doing here?" He asked as soon as the front door shut.

"I came er-."

"He came to see you." I spoke over him.

"Yeah, didn't you hear coach ask me and Victor to stay over?" Ander shook his head.

"So what did you want?"

"Saturday when we have to go to Carrington before the hotel, can you take me?" Ander asked.

"Yeah sure." Ander nodded, looking back at me before leaving the house.

I took a deep breath as the front door closed, the tears started to leave my eyes as David looked back at me.

"Are you crying?"

I ran off upstairs and to my room before he could come closer to me and actually see I was crying.

Shortly after, I heard a knock on my door. "Jas, let me come in, I want to see if you're okay." David's gentle voice sounded through the door.

I wiped the tears away and sat up on my bed. "Yeah." My voice was croaky.

"What's the matter Jas?" David asked as he sat by me on my bed.

"I, er." I stuttered, trying to think of a lie. "My goldfish died. Yeah, the one I had back at the apartment with Abbie and Ebony, he died early, Ebony texted me."

Was that even believable? I don't even own a goldfish.

"Okay?" David tried the best to hide his laugh.

"It's not funny." I smiled, punching his arm. "I loved that goldfish."

"Sure Jas. God, I thought something was wrong with you!" He laughed.

"Leave." I said pushing him. "Let me grieve."

"I'll see you for dinner then." He kissed my forehead and shut the door behind him. I can't believe he believed that.

*1 New Message From Ander*

This isn't over Jas, I saw you holding back those tears, I'm not stupid. I need to see you x.

I took a deep breath before replying, these feelings for him are getting out of hand, they need to stop and the only way to do that is this.

*1 New Message to Ander*

It's over because nothing happened to start it, I wasn't crying and you don't need to see me because I don't want to see you. Leave me alone Ander, I mean it, I hate you.

Tears left my eyes as I hit sent. I don't hate him, I could never hate him but it's the only way that would hurt him so he would stop annoying me.

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