8 | Americano

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Just another friendly reminder that if you're reading this story on a platform other than Wattpad or other than published by me (joiehasnolimits) then it is likely to be a stolen version. Other than that, enjoy!


YU AH, AS perceptive as she was, had been giving her odd looks ever since she had returned from Gangwon. Her return home should have been restful, but she was fraught with tension, the issue of her birth mother an added worry to the tumult in her mind. In the end, she never had the chance to speak to her parents about her contract expiring. There wasn't the space, and she knew discussing the change in her workplace would be another heavy topic she would rather leave for another time. She could only be thankful that work had kept her distracted throughout the day, but it left her drained, only to sit sluggishly at her desk with her head in her arms as she waited for the regular staff meeting to begin.

"Seollal-ssi!" a voice cut in, "would you mind helping me to direct the delivery man to the conference room? I still need to print out some things for the meeting."

She rose hastily to her feet as she called back a response.

Beside her, Yu Ah had a brow raised as her fingers paused in their typing.

Seollal gathered her things, glad for the task, anything to take her out of her gloom, she supposed.

The pink flowers in the driveway were in bloom, their scent carried by a passing breeze. But with a mask stuck over her nose, it was difficult to enjoy the cool air. Lined up and down the stairs, her fellow colleagues were seeing off their students. Saying their goodbyes was a mass exercise they conducted every day as the children bobbed excitedly, waiting for their guardians, some making a big hoo-ha of parting from their teachers.

Seollal approached the white van in the driveway, her eyes wide at the word Home emblazoned on the side.

"Oppa?" she blurted before she could stop herself as a gentle heat bloomed in her belly. 

Kazu looked out of place in the driveway of Yongsan Seoul Kindergarten in his brown apron thrown over a white button-up shirt. Yet seeing him here had sent a wave of refreshment over her.

His brows shot up in astonishment as he set a tray down on his cart. He had a foot stuck behind a wheel to keep it from rolling away.

"So this is where you work," he called back cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she stepped up to his side.

"Delivery order for your tea break."

"It's a meeting actually," she muttered, making a face. "Do you need help?"

He tapped her wrist before she could grab onto a tray.

"No, you don't. I can handle it."

"It smells amazing," she declared, her mouth watering at the sight of their mini cinnamon rolls and tiny chocolate tarts. Kazu and a chef made the pastries fresh every morning, and they were often sold out by mid-afternoon.

Just a layer of cling film separated her fingers from the delicious treats. She found herself automatically counting them, comparing the figures to the number of teachers at her school.

Then her gaze went to him as she took in his grey dress pants and white button up-shirt. It was a stark difference from the pull over and jeans ensemble he usually had on.

"You're all dressed up today," she remarked.

His laugh was devoid of humour as he shot her a glance, then returned to loading a tray onto his trolley.

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