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Amy's pov

Mark let me stay in his dorm for a few days, the teachers were looking for me but Mark said that they are fallen angels as well so they just have to act like they are looking for me. Some of them have their wings still and others don't, I hope the ones who don't have their wings anymore are not mad at me. 

"Are you okay?" Mark asked wrapping his arms around me in the living area of his dorm room.

"No, I am scared." I looked up at him.

"I got you." He opened his wings wrapping me up in them.

"I know you do silly. That wasn't why I said that. I am scared because of the Devil."

"He is just a prick. He doesn't want to give up his title."

"Why do you have to fight him?" I snuggled into him, he feels so safe and so loved. 

"Because no one else will."

"You said that there is to be a new Devil?"

"He doesn't want to be in charge, he likes the little freedom that he has. So, to get him to leave you alone and stop trying to take your soul. I need to kill him."

"What if you can't kill him?"

"Everyone can die, I can die even though my heart is not beating."

"What?" I looked up at him in shock.

"Yep, there are a few things in this world that will hurt me but one thing that will kill me."

"What can kill you?"

"Lets not worry about that right now, right now we need to rest and relax. The Devil is getting closer, soon he will be here and I will need to fight him. It will not be a easy fight. Nor a short one."

"How long are you thinking?"

"Weeks, maybe a  month. This is the Devil we are talking about."

"Of course, why can't the fight be a knock out punch and he is dead." I closed my eyes.

"Everything is going to be okay." He said rocking me back and forth.

When I opened my eyes I was outside, it was extremely hot from the sun baking down on us.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked me.

"It's so hot out."

"I know, there should be some working AC over here." 

I followed him down the street to a store.

"Why is no one in here?" I asked.

"We need to get to the back of the store." He pulled my arm guiding me to the back.

"Mark what is going on?"

"He is here, he wants to fight."


"The Devil."

As soon as his name left Mark's lips there was flash outside that make everything too bright to see.


" I got you." He wrapped his arm around me guiding me around the store.

I was able to hear him opening a door then a cold gust of wind.

"We need to get in." He said.

I walked into the room, soon my vison came back and I was able to see that we were in a cooler.

"His heat will not get us here." Mark said.

"Is he trying to burn everyone into a crisp?"

"No, just us."


"The same reason he is after us."

"My soul?"


"But we are the only ones who know about that!" I looked over at him.

"I know."

"Sorry, I am just scared, he is hurting so many people out there." I looked out the door to the window.

"Everything is going to be okay."

"Can't he cut the power to in here? Make it so hot that the wires fry and we no longer have AC?"

"He can, I just hope that he didn't see us run in here and he has no idea which building we are in."

I walked over to Mark wrapping my arms around him.

"I got you, you are safe." He said low.

"He will kill me, I am not going to let him do that. If it gets to bad, I am kissing you. I am dying on my terms."

"Please, Alessandra I can't lose you."

"We will find each other in 17 years, that is 17 more years to learn more and it will be easier for you to win."

"I know, but I don't want to wait 17 more years, I want this curse to end now. I want to be able to kiss you and not have you get hurt."

"I want that too, but right now we need to play into his games, one of these life times, we will be able to outsmart him. And you will be able to kill him and we can be together again." I looked up at him seeing the tears forming in his eyes.

"I know, but it will be okay." I snuggled into him closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes seeing that I am back in Mark's dorm room. 

"Heat." I looked up at Mark.

"You saw us running in the cooler?" He asked low.

"Yeah, you guided me in, we talked about how we have 17 years to learn about the Devil."

"That was 7 life times ago. I have learned more on how to defeat him but I don't know if it will be enough."

"It will be, I will learn some stuff too and he will never know that I know how to kill him."

"I don't want you fighting him."

"Maybe that will be what kills him, you never let me fight him. If I help we can end him for all."

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