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Amy's pov

"Come on!" Pam laughed as I followed her down the dirt pathway.

"How is this safe?" I asked, almost tripping on a half exposed tree branch.

"That is why we don't use this area for the school anymore, but no one comes over here to check it out."

"What was this place?"

"So you know how we can go horseback riding?"


"Well, we can, and we also used to have a whole ass farm here. Well thanks to budget cuts we lost the farm."

"How do you know all of this? And how can you see? It is so dark out here!"

"Just don't fall!" She laughed.

"Easy for you to say." I muttered as I stepped over a large tree branch.

We kept walking up and down grassy muddy paths over large rocks.

"How do you stay clean for this party?" I asked.

"It's a barn! You're not going to stay clean."

'"This is true." I muttered as I climbed over another large tree branch.

"There you are." Tyler laughed as I jumped down onto the ground.

"Sorry, slow poke over here didn't want to fall." Pam said laughing.

"I am glad I wore normal shoes." I smiled looking down at my mud covered shoes.

"A little soap and water and that will come out." Tyler said laughing.

"I'm too lazy to do that." I shrugged.

"The party is this way." Tyler laughed as he kept walking.

I followed them down the less muddy path to an overgrown barn.

"Whoa." I said as I saw the falling apart windows on top.

*************************** Flash back********************

"Oh  my look!" I ran to the barn smiling.

"I see." A man said laughing behind me.

"The barn is so perfect! So pretty!"

"This is what you wanted to spend all your money on."

"I know and I can't wait to make my dream come true. Thank you so much for believing in me."

I turned to look at the male but I wasn't able to see his face as it was covered by a tree branch  as he said,

"It was all you, I just stood back and watched you work your butt off."

I looked back at the barn looking at how bright red it is, the windows are a bright white color. It is everything I have ever dreamed of.

************* End of flashback*************

"Whoa." I said blinking a bunch of times.

"You okay?" Pam asked, walking over to me.

"Yeah, I just had this weird vision thing, I was buying a farm." I looked at her.

"You just complained about getting mud on your shoes and you want to buy a farm?"  She laughed.

"Yeah, I guess maybe it is just in my head. I don't know but let's go party." I forced a smile as we walked closer to the barn.

When we got into the barn we saw a bunch of kids already there, I followed Pam to the snack table.

"How did they get these here?" I asked looking at all of the food that is banned from the school.

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