15: Romeo and Juliet

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My eyes met his honey-coloured ones in an instant. Toffee-blonde hair, tanned skin, and one of the friendliest, warmest smiles I had seen in my life spread across his face as our gazes met. Then he began to approach me, kindness pouring from him with every step.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hinting at a slight accent I couldn't quite place.

I cocked my head to the side. He does look familiar but... I'm sure I haven't met him before. So, ignoring his question, I countered with, "Who are you?"

Chuckling, he sat on the bench next to me. "Right. We haven't officially met." He nodded to himself. "I'm Lukas," he then said, the German inflections clearer, before holding his hand out to me. His eyes sparkled with a whole spectrum of emotions, yet not one I could single out to determine his authenticity.

So I did the most normal thing instead, warily placing my hand in his.

Shock marred his face as our hands collided. But it was quickly replaced by pain as his eyes scrunched up at my touch. Yet despite the clear discomfort he was in, he stood steadfast, gripping my hand like this moment mattered.

Am I staticky again? I couldn't help but wonder.

"You've got quite the zap," he said, as though he could hear my thoughts. Then, at once, he released his hold of me. Reluctantly or willingly... I couldn't quite tell. Rubbing his palm as he asked again, "Why are you sitting on this park bench in the rain?"

Rolling my eyes, I responded with, "This totally isn't rain. It's spitting."

He breathed a laugh, eyes twinkling with light. "Fair. But it is cold and wet out."

His gaze held me, not wavering, almost tugging at the truth to come out of me. Unable to keep up my end, I eventually admitted under my breath, "I've been trying to find Ben."

He glanced at me—almost assessing me. "You're not going to find him in the park..."

"I know. I've been trying to find the house but I honestly can't remember where it is!" I groaned before pulling at my face in despair.

He leaned back on the bench, a grin spreading across his face. "Ollie, I think you must be older than me. Apparently you've never heard of a mobile phone."

With an eyebrow cocked, I slowly turned my head again to look at him, waveringly asking, "How do you know my nickname?"

"You told me," he simply replied, voice full of confidence.

"When?" This is the first time we've met...

"I heard you say it."

"When?" I asked again, feeling more sure that I was right here... But his face showed no hint of deceit.

He merely shrugged back before nonchalantly stating, "I don't remember. But I didn't just come up with it." Then a laugh escaped him, as though I was being the ridiculous one here.

I stared at him, searching his eyes for any ounce of dishonesty. But the kindness and warmth that oozed back left no room for doubt for me.

Have I really been that wrapped up in Ben that I didn't realise I mentioned my nickname at the house the other day? I wondered, already feeling embarrassed about myself.

I didn't know why I trusted him... but for some reason I found it impossible not to. So I dropped the topic and finally confessed, "My phone broke."

"Ah! The mystery is solved. Couldn't get a new one?"

I grimaced and looked away. "Didn't save his number to my SIM."

"Young people these days... don't even know how to effectively use the technology in front of him."

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now