50: Hometown Affairs

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August 2018

Sparse meadows met by crowded pine forests lined the autobahn as we headed towards Windeck. After checking into our hotel late last night, bright and early we were on the hour long drive between Cologne and the small town in the municipality Lukas and Ben's parents lived.

We had decided going back and forth was the best option, even if it meant a lengthy travel. Having the big city to retreat to every day gave us the peace of mind that we were far from prying eyes and ears, able to debrief where necessary. Cologne was large enough to slip into the masses if we needed a quick escape too.

Ben and Lukas were in the front seat, chatting away about strategies and what if strategies, while I tuned out, eyes distracted by the fleeting tiny towns and wind turbines. My own 'what if' questions playing on an endless loop.

"Ollie?" Lukas had asked, dragging me from my mind. They were both silent, as if they had been waiting for me to respond to something for a while.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, half dazed as I turned my attention back to them. Ben's eyebrows were furrowed, glancing at me concerned in the rearview mirror, Lukas's neck craned to look at me.

"We were wondering why you're so quiet. Are you okay?" Lukas asked.

Nodding, I gave him a pathetic smile that he saw through in an instant. Next thing I knew, he was unbuckling his seat belt then, in the blink of an eye, had joined me in the back.

"What's wrong, Zappy?" he asked softly.

Rolling my eyes at the choice of nickname tied with the unfitting tone, I said, "Nothing. I'm fine."

"That's not true, Olivia," Ben said from the front seat. "Talk to us or I'm pulling the car over."

Always the threats with him... I thought to myself. "Just worried your parents' aren't going to like me." I flickered my gaze between Ben's in the mirror, and Lukas's brown warmth, steadily watching me by my side.

To my surprise though, they both grinned, then started to laugh.

Brows furrowed and lips pouting, I mumbled, "I don't find it very funny."

"Ollie, Ben's dad wouldn't care if you had a buzz cut, piercings and tattoos showering your body, and were pregnant with someone else's kid. All he cares about is that someone has managed to love his unloveable son," Lukas said in a warm manner, but as the last comment came out of his mouth, Ben sounded an offended, "Hey!" from the front. "He's going to love you," Lukas concluded.

"I'm sure you've offended a considerable number of people who express themselves through piercings and tattoos and short hair," I said, though I felt the nervousness subside slightly.

"I've still made my point. Ben's dad is an exceptional guy. The father I wish I had. He will never hate you."

"I notice you aren't talking about your parents though."

Lukas looked thoroughly confused at that comment. "Mine? Why mine?"

"You're my best friend," I said it as though it were a matter-of-fact. "I want to make a good impression."

Lukas gave me a small, but genuine, smile, his eyes twinkling at me as he was evidently touched by the fact I would care about his family liked me. But the way he looked at me stirred my heart slightly, causing it to give a slightly audible thud, washing me with shame as my eyes flickered to Ben. His knuckles were white against the steering wheel, but he didn't say anything.

When my gaze came back to Lukas's, the moment was gone, a sadness washing his face as he began to speak. "Their opinion isn't important, Ollie, and you shouldn't be offended if they don't like you."

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now