(9) Busan

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

Driving through aquatic sunshine, amid a sea of blue petals in the green, I feel the grip of good new treads, I feel myself flick into cruise control. Driving in rain is my soul massage, from the sound of each water-car connection, to the world that has become impressionist art, I am at peace yet in thoughts.

I have questions many unanswered and unknown still I drive past Seoul towards Busan. I am nervous, honestly. I don't know, I don't understand what I am actually feeling. I am happy, hopeful and scared at the same time.

Happy because I was going to see him after all these years. Hopeful because I was hoping for something that I myself am not sure of, I am hoping to see him happy, I hope he doesn't gets upset with this sudden meeting. I am scared of what there would be waiting for me, to grasp, to witness.

I am scared.

"Tae are you okay?" Mom asked and I nod my head with a smile, looking straight at the roads rolling over.

I was driving, I had mom and Soo with me. Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung were just behind my car, Jin hyung was driving and behind them were Jimin, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung, Yoongi hyung was driving.

Is it going to be overwhelming for him to see us all at once?

Maybe but everyone has missed him so much and I had no right to stop them because Koo wasn't someone who was only close to me.

What about Soo? He hasn't met him, he didn't even knew about it but I am sure he is gonna love my little baby.

I just hope, hope and hope I am not doing anything wrong by going there myself, unannounced.

I am sorry in advance Koo.

"Dada~" Soo whined and I side glanced at him.

"Yes baby"

"How much time more?" He huffed and I smiled.

"45 minutes more bub"

"Dada" Soo gasped and I chuckled.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"45 is a big number" He said as if it was something serious.

"Aigoo, my Soo is so intelligent" Mom said and kissed Soo's cheeks.

"I am smart" Soo puffed his cheeks, proudly.

"Of course, very smart" I had a grin on my face as I shook my head.

I've felt so very guilty. I've felt so deeply bloody angry with the universe, with God. Yet that is so unfair. Everything I've struggled for is exactly what I asked to do.

I'm en route to achieve what I set out to achieve.

The pain that has come with it, the brutal brutal suffering of my soul was necessary. There was no other way to learn what I have learned and realised. The anger is because I want to be with him. I want to be with him so much but I have to keep my own counsel, my own direction with only the influence of the divine ether that comes to the artist.

Would he have felt what I feel. But there must come a time, a day, a moment when I get to say I've done what I set out to do. I really hope so. Because that is when we get our emotional reunion. That is when I can have his love because his influence at that point will be a bonus, a boost, a benefit to whatever comes next. Yet for now. In this moment. I am so very sorry. All I am is guilty.

Would I even get the love I am looking forward to? What if he has settled down?

But then again something is telling me, he hasn't. Maybe I am right, maybe I am not. I will only get to know when I see him.

What would I say? How am I gonna greet him?

"Mom, what am I gonna say?" I asked and she hummed.

"Time will let you act accordingly, don't worry about what you will do or what not. It's Jungkookie, our Jungkookie. It will be okay, have some faith and relax" She pat my head and I sighed.

I pulled at the driveway. The driveway was same as I remembered, imprinted concrete, a shade of grey with a hint of blue. As such it was perfect as ever, ever neat, and upon each edge the holly trees had grown more.

We are here, there was no going back now.

This place has changed, honestly but at the same time it is still the same. The same place we had once spent our vacations at. I feel difficult as the car came to halt, difficult emotions is all I feel.

These difficult emotions, I see them as a river flowing by me. I sit here upon the grass and onward they go.

Maybe in a few days the water is gonna calm again and so am I. There is nothing to be done about them, just stay calm, do healthy things and then everything is okay again, maybe.
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

(A/n: Jungkook entering in the next chapter as well as their reunion. What are you all expecting from the meet?)

I just wanna say something sorry if I offend someone, this moment is of the same day where people came on bashing when Jungkook slightly removed Tae's hand from his shoulder and they started saying Taekook is uncomfortable because of us shipping them

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I just wanna say something sorry if I offend someone, this moment is of the same day where people came on bashing when Jungkook slightly removed Tae's hand from his shoulder and they started saying Taekook is uncomfortable because of us shipping them. This is the same day, same place, same people don't these people have something to say now? It's easy to judge and comprehend but look closely and many things in front of you will start changing. What you always see as "uncomfortable" has more to it than one can ever know. At the end of the day, it's not like they don't know what's going on so stop these ship wars. Hating on anyone won't bring you anywhere rather focus on the good things, why fight about moments and stuff? Taekook or Jikook I just want all of them happy together. And please stop hating on Jiminie or Tae, we are Armys first then anything else.

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