(10) Is he real?

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Taehyung was standing at a familiar park while the others were getting settled at Jimin's home. They were going to see Jungkook in an hour or so. They all didn't want to just barge in at Jungkook's house, so they went to Jimin's parents house first to calm down a little.

Everyone was still pretty nervous, they knew Jungkook was going to be overwhelmed seeing them all at once. Taehyung on the other hand needed some time alone so here he was. A place Jungkook introduced to only him.

"Hyungie you know this is where I used to come to calm my nerves"

Taehyung smiled remembering that. He feels special now just the same as he had felt before on that day. Jungkook was someone who had lit up Taehyung's life all the while they were together and when he left he took the light with him, leaving him dull and now Soo is a brightness in his life yet that light is still missing.

Taehyung turned to walk out but halted as-

A man walked into the park, he looked liked an aged version of Jungkook. At first his eyes were cast to the dusty earthen floor and then he seemed to suddenly realize he was at his destination, at his rendezvous. He lifted his head. His face had the same structure as my own, high cheekbones and symmetrical.

He had the same deep brown eyes and porcelain skin. He was still slender despite his years, toned and not at all stooped. Around his eyes were laughter lines in just the right amount. Taehyung supposed that he was often happy, but at that moment he was deadly serious. In his hand he clasped a large envelope and my heart skipped a beat. Photographs perhaps, it seemed like that.

Jungkook's face comes from the shadows, craggy features suspended between grief and joy. Seconds pass, Taehyung's brain taking him in, struggling to comprehend that he isn't one of the pictures that Taehyung had kept all these years, that he is real.

Taehyung's brain can't formulate a thought, at least not one based in any language, and if he don't touch him soon his atoms will tear themselves apart. How the ground between them is erased Taehyung will never recall but the moments they were apart was huge.

Jungkook turned around to the direction where Taehyung was frozen, he looked up and his eyes met with Taehyung's. He gasped as he felt his heart stop.

The same moment, Taehyung could hear and see some memories flash by in front of his eyes as his eyes burned with tears. The things, Jungkook had once told him, to his hyungs.

"Hello, I am Jeon Jungkook. Please take care of me"

"You look good in bandana hyung"

"Hyungie you are my best friend"

"You didn't get my banana milk TaeTae"

"TaeTae wanna play overwatch with me and Jiminie hyungie"

"Jinnie hyungie TaeTae is being mean to me, hmph"

"Momma, can I get cookies for me and TaeTae please"

"C-Congratulations hyung, I am happy for you. I hope she will take care of you"

"Can I get one last hug please"

"Because I might not see you again"

"Aww, don't be sad TaeTae I was just kidding"

Taehyung gulped as he now looked at Jungkook from a pretty close distance. Jungkook wore a face like he's expecting anger from Taehyung, anger that just doesn't exist. All he have for him is love, all Taehyung wants is to keep him safe.

He knew, Jungkook won't accept it just yet as he was still not aware and Taehyung felt so much misplaced guilt. In truth he's still such a kid, still growing into his adult body. So Taehyung takes the emotions that swirl inside of him and put a stopper on them, not to bottle them up forever but instead to keep the love safe until he can accept it as his birth-right.

Taehyung still had a lot to do, Jungkook still had a lot to know. They both had a lot to say. There is a million words and none in their eyes, for this is a story told at a deeper level.

"Jungkookie" Taehyung whispered and Jungkook stopped breathing for a moment.

"T-TaeTae" Jungkook choked out and Taehyung smiled softly.

Maybe some things changed but he was still the same, his Koo was still the same.
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

Okay- this was hard to put in words but I am satisfied with how this chapter turned out

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Okay- this was hard to put in words but I am satisfied with how this chapter turned out.

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