(14) Bonding

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Hey" Jungkook waved at Soo.

Soo smiled widely before saying,

"Pretty angel, Dada missed you for so long"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and he looked away, it was awkward.

"He meant we all missed you" The eldest Kim saved both of them from the awkwardness.

Jungkook smiled and nod his head, he looked back at Soo who was looking at him with big brown orbs melting his heart instantly.

All of them sat down and beside Jungkook sat the little one, legs kicking in the air, clearing the floor by several inches as they swung back and forth. Jungkook was mesmerized by the red rubber boots on his feet and blue duffle coat, somehow the kid reminded him of Paddington Bear.

His face had a healthy look to it and his eyes were open wide as he stared at Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped.

The little one's legs weren't swinging in the care-free way he had first assumed. Each one was more like a kick, sharp and pointed. He leaned down a little in front of him, letting the boy see his see his face clearly, Jungkook removed the strands from the little one's face.

"Hey there, I'm Jungkook. What's your name?" The little one smiled and was quiet for a moment, sitting further back into the chair.

"Kim Jungsoo" Soo replied.

It came out almost like an accident, spilling out of his drawn inward lips. His brown eyes shining, becoming rounder, more glossy. Then all at once his face buckled, his breathing stopped momentarily and tears streamed.

Jungkook was taken aback with the sudden tears, everyone else was too before anyone of them could say anything, Soo latched on Jungkook, surprising everyone. Jungkook held him securely and rubbed his back in comfort. He looked at Taehyung who was just as surprised as him.

Soo was conflicted with emotions, he is almost to the edge of completing his promise to his mumma. He did it, he got his Dada to meet the pretty angel again. But that little boy didn't know that it would take a lot more than just them meeting. A lot of conversations, laughs, tears and maybe some fights. They still had a long way ahead.

After a while when Soo calmed down and stopped crying, he went to Taehyung, latching himself on him, sniffling here and there. Taehyung thought of something to divert the little one's attention.

"Baby, give pretty angel what you got for him" Taehyung whispered in his ear and Soo nod his head before extending his little hands that were holding chocolates.

"Is this for me?" Jungkook asked and Soo nod his head,

"All for pretty angel" He replied with a sniff.

Jungkook smiled taking the chocolates and give one of the two to Soo,

"I couldn't get anything for you, so you take this one" Soo was hesitant and looked at his Dada.

Taehyung nod his head and the little baby took that one chocolate from Jungkook with a smile.

"How have you been Jungkookie?" It was Jin.

"Pretty good hyung" Jungkook smiled.

That smile was still the same and it still had the same effect on everyone as before. The only thing that had changed? Jungkook had became very good at hiding his emotions but everyone except Taehyung could still read him, this time better than before.

"How are your mom and dad?" The eldest Kim asked, holding Jungkook's hand with a soft smile.

"Mom is doing good and d-dad passed away" Jungkook replied with a sad smile.

Gasps were audible, this was a new heartbreaking news. While everyone tried gulping the information, Yoongi asked,


"7 years ago. The reason why I left-"

"Jungkookie, you could have told us" Jimin said, his eyes glistening.

"I didn't know how to, mom called a week before our graduation telling me to come back when I asked she didn't tell me at first then she told me I needed to head to Austria and not Busan"

Everyone listened patiently, they were finally getting the answer to what they have been looking for all these years.

"I know you all are wondering, why Austria? I was wondering the same. Came out, Dad was battling Dementia. They were in Austria for his treatment but it was not something that would have been cured so a week before as I said when mom called she informed me about everything. That time, I didn't know when I would return back here and neither I had the heart to tell you all. So, I-I left"

Jungkook gulped bitterly as he remembered the conversation he had with his mom that day.
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

(A/n: I am planning on writing some flashbacks to the last day when they were all together, 7 years ago starting from the conversation Jungkook had with his mom till he left. Would you guys like it, that will be 1 or 2 chapters?)

 Would you guys like it, that will be 1 or 2 chapters?)

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I am so excited for the healing sessions once again 🥺

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