5 - The Competition Pt. 1

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Nobody POV.

"Hello everyone my name is Mark!"

"And I'm Jack, and we'll be your announcers for the Cacoa Met today."

"We'll start out with bodyboarding, move on to surfing, and finish it all up with windsurfing. We've got an exciting group of people today, and as always the Diamond Mavericks and the Sleeper Sharks are here, two groups you definitely should keep an eye on here today!"

"Bodyboarders in heat one get ready to go you've got five minutes."

Tommy was sitting on the sand applying wax to the nose of his bodyboard starting to feel stressed out, it was his first met in the higher rankings, he knew he was ready but it was still very nerve wracking for him to think about. Wilbur nudged Techno getting his attention he nodded over to Tommy "Come on." The two walked over to the youngest sitting next to him, Wilbur put his hand on his shoulder giving him a soft smile "Are you nervous Tommy?" The blond looked at him nodding "Very. I'm going against people who are a few years older than me. I know I'm good and all but its all just settling in now that I could get crushed, what if I fall off my board?"

Techno took the wax from Tommys hand and waxed the sides and the spot his stomach would be on the board "That should keep you in place. Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." Tommy nodded listing to Techno, Wilbur rubbed Tommys shoulders trying to help his relax "Techno did you come up with that on your own?" He shook his head "Nope, it's Sun Tzu." Tommy laughed smiling at the two "Thanks guys, I feel a bit better."

"BOSS MAN!" Tubbo yelled running over to the trio dropping in front of Tommy "I've made you something." He handed Tommy a green paracord bracelet with a compassion in the middle of it "You've got green and I have red." He lifted his arm showing a matching bracelet "Clay help me out with the compasses, so no matter where we are the compasses are always pointing to eachother." Tommy smiled putting the bracelet on "Thank you Tubbo, I really needed this."

"Heat one competitors you've got one minute, head to the starting line!"

Tommy stood up shaking off his nerves "Okay here I go! YEAH!" He started to head to the water "TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled to him holding up the board and flippers "You need these." The blond ran back over grabbing his stuff "Thank you." He headed back to the starting line putting his flippers on. Nick jogged up to him "Tommy good luck out there. Remember to keep your arms close to your body, oh and watch out for Purpled, he's really good and can get aggressive." Tommy raised an eyebrow as he pulled on his red surf shirt "Why is he called Purpled?"

"Its the only color he'll wear. And no one uses his real name anyway." The countdown started to go over the loud speakers "I'll see you in heat eight. Good luck you got this!" The airhorn went off sending the competitors in the water, Tommy gripped onto his board diving into the first wave he gasped as he resurfaced paddling farther out, he started paddling to catch a wave only to get sprayed by Purpled taking the wave from him, after two more waves he was able to catch one

"Looks like Craft the boarder in red was able to catch his first wave, he starts things off with a three sixty, he goes for the invert, lands it, loses a little control in the white water but recovers quickly and goes into the barrel of the wave for the tube ride, and he ends it all with a backflip off the wave. An amazing ride from the boarder in red."

"YEAH TOMMY!" Wilbur hoots at him holding his fingers to his mouth letting out a loud whistle, Techno and Phil high five "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!" Phil smiled having a proud dad moment, Jordan and the Mavericks moved over setting their stuff up next to the sharks "He's doing really good Phil, he's got talent." Phil shook Jordans hand still smiling "I know he does, he's been working so hard."

The heat ended after a few more minutes, Tommy took his flippers off running to his team "That was awesome!" Phil laughed ruffling the blonds hair "You did amazing Tommy. Now come on Nick is in heat three."

Heat two finished up giving a few minutes in between the heats, Nick was stretching his arms and legs waiting for the airhorn to go off "Nick, remember do go for your air roll spin, I think you've perfected it enough it'll wow the judges trust me." Jordan patted my shoulder shaking me a little "You've got this." Tubbo gave me a high five smiling "Good luck Nick!" The ravenette smiled ruffling the boys hair "Thanks Tubbo. And I was planning on it Captain." The countdown started going down from ten "Alright here I go!" Nick picked his board up running at the water once the horn went off diving into the first wave

After a few minutes he managed to catch a wave "Looks like Nick Kelly the boarder in orange managed to catch his first wave of the day, he starts things off with an invert, going into a bottom turn, wow he preforms an amazing air roll spin! He jumps off the wave with a backflip, that has to be one of his best waves yet an amazing performance by the boarder in orange!"

Karl sat in his spy hole giggling to himself as he watched Nick ride the wave, he rested his hand in his palm thinking about what Nick told him yesterday, he'll be talking with him later, hopefully he'll be able to put together some actual words this time.

After a while the heat ended letting all the boarders out of the water, the group hung out till it was time for heat eight, the final heat

"Come Tommy we're up." Nick stood up grabbing his things before he headed to the starting line "Coming!" He picked up his things and ran to catch up with the ravenette, the duo put of there gear as they waited for the air horn to go off, after another minute the countdown started followed by the air horn once it finished

The boarders ran into the water diving into the first wave, Tommy popped up looking around trying to spot Nick only to see that the older was already twenty feet ahead of him, boarders were catching waves left and right, Tommy was able to catch one after a while, with Nick catching the second one. There was five more minutes in the heat everyone in the water was trying to catch another wave, one finally built up and everyone but Nick started paddling for it, in the end Tommy managed to get it before the others

"Looks like Craft got the wave that everyone wanted, he starts things off with an invert going straight into a three sixty, he heads up the side of the wave launching himself into a backflip landing right in front of the whitewater finishing things off with another three sixty."

Nick smiled seeing Tommy finish his wave, he looked back seeing a wave building since he didn't paddle off with everyone else this wave was his.

"Woah Kelly managed to catch the wave right behind Craft! Starting off strong with an el rollo, leading into a bottom turn, goes into an invert, into the tube of the wave he goes, he comes out diving over the back of the wave to finish things off and that concludes the bodyboarding portion of today's competition. Boarders head on in for awards."

Nick waited for Tommy to get out of the water wrapping an arm around the blond "You'll definitely be placing today, you did really good."

"You think so?"

"I know so, come on your dads waiting." The two walked over to the group greeted by high fives and hugs, they all headed to the awards area to see who won "In third place we've got, Tommy Craft with a score of twenty three points." Tommy smiled running up to the podium standing on the third place platform holding his trophy "In second place we've got Purpled with a score of twenty five points." Purpled walked out from the crowd waving to everyone as he claimed his trophy, he stepped up onto the high pedestal next to Tommy "And in first place its Nick Kelly with a score of thirty one point five!" The Mavericks were louder than everyone there once they heard Nicks score, Clay nudged Nick forward so he could get his prize, Nick took the trophy standing on top of the highest podium the first place one. "Alright and that concludes today's body boarding portion of the competition, surfing is next in thirty minutes!"

Karl screamed in excitement heading that Nick won, he giggled doing a little wiggle, he had no idea what anything they were saying meant but once he heard that Nick was number one he got excited "I'm gonna talk to him this time."


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So I know this chapter might be a little boring, and so will probably be the next two chapters, but I do advise against skipping them because there is still going to be a lot of character building and just establishing relationships between the two teams stuff like that, and some Skephalo is coming soon so be prepared for that

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