The Party Part 2

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"Let's go then.." Will called.

Yep let's go! Gill says, getting dippers hand.

"Okay then." Dipper murmured, walking with Gill.

Will turned dark blue before calming down and walking behind them both.

Wait on second thought. Maybe you too should walk down I'll be right back. Gill says, going back upstairs.

Will smiled and mouthed thank you.

Dipper and Will walked in the party.

And I'm back. Gill says, bowing.

"Great!" Dipper called.

Their mother decided to take them both on the dance floor.

Hold on, ugh I'm so forgetful. I'll be right back well again. Gill says, yeeting Will in the portal with her.

"Whoa why did you do t-that?!" Will exclaimed.

I can be you and you can be me. Gill says, making Will look like her.

"Are you s-sure this won't go down badly..?" Will asked, make Gill become him.

Yep I'm sure. I am fine of being ignored. Gill adds, turning into will.

"Oh..Ok..ready?.." Will asked.

Ready as I'll ever be. Gill says.

They both went into the party. Will and Dipper smiling and laughing.

They danced across the room.

Their mother sighed happily, until she saw Gill.

"William? You alright?" Their mother called.

Y-yeah I'm fine. Gill says.

"Okay. I actually kind of thought you should find love first, William. But, I guess life is a surprise. I'll be closing the party down in a few minutes." Their mother explained.

W- why? Gill asks.

"Well, I have enough proof. It's also been a long day. If you want, we can do it longer if you'd like?" She asked, smiling.

N-no it's fine. Gill says.

"Why do you keep saying it's fine. Something wrong?" She questioned

N-no nothing is wrong. Gill says.

"Well, alright." Their mother nodded, and walked over to Will and Dipper.

"Well I'm happy to see you two happy. You can leave." She concluded.

Will smiled and hugged their mom. Dipper smiled, and walked to Gill.

"Thanks for doing this." Dipper replies.

Your welcome. Gill mouths.

Everyone starts to leave and go to bed.

Will removed the spell off Gill and she did the same.

Gill stared at Will, who now had purple hair.

"You okay?.." Will asked.

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