First love

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The day I met him was the best day of my life, who would've thought someone like me would get someone like him to notice me. He was a sophisticated young man and I was just a party girl, I hardly attended classes or listened to anything being said when I did attend.
I was never in love before but when he walked into class that day it was as if something had clicked in me. He sat next to me, my heart pounded as he introduced himself.
"I'm Tim" he whispered.
"I'm scarlet" I said as soft as I can
He looked at me and smiled and I knew from that moment on I only wanted him.

At lunch Tim came up to me and asked to sit with me, I of course said yes and from then on Tim and I became close. He had motivated me to go to classes, he helped me with anything I didn't understand. I stopped drinking, smoking and partying because I preferred now to stay in and study with him every second I got with him was precious.
Eventually Tim told me he liked me and asked me to go out with him. Tim was the type of guy who could make an entire room laugh, he had dark brown eyes, curly black hair, the most perfect face, he was everything I wanted so when he asked me out I obviously said yes.
I wish I didn't.

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