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Tim's diary confused me, pages were missing and things were scratched off. I was afraid of what Tim might have been doing but I didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

I made the decision to go back to Tim's house he should be out now because he usually has to help his grandparents around the house or so he said. I wanted to find out what was behind that handle so I prepared myself for the worst.

I entered his house through the back this time and ran to his room as quickly as I could, I slowly opened his closet and felt my breathing had slowed down. I placed my hand on the handle and felt my entire body trembling.
As I entered the room behind the handle my heart felt as though it stopped, a blood-curdling scream came from deep within my body that's when I felt a striking pain on the back of my head and my world went dark.

As I slowly opened my eyes I felt that my entire body was restricted, I tried to scream by my mouth was taped shut, I tried to free myself from the ropes but it was tied too tightly. I heard a sickly laughed that made my blood crawled, Time slowly entered the room and sat on a chair in front of me.
"I've been waiting for you my love, it's been too long," Tim said with a smile that still melted my heart
Tim placed a knife to my throat and told me not to scream as he slowly removed the tape from my mouth.
The only word that came was,
"Well where do I start"
"When I was a boy my parents always abused me, I was never enough for them they'd curse me, beat me, and two years ago when i was at my lowest they left me. I loved them dearly even though I endured that abuse for years, I fell into alcoholism and one faithful night I met the most beautiful woman, she helped me turn my life, she showed me what true love was but I found out that she was being unfaithful, I was heartbroken. That night she said she had to meet her friend so I followed her and saw she went into an abandoned warehouse, I knew she was going to be there because I planned the entire thing, I waited for her lover to arrive and then I entered the house. I shot them both before they could say anything, I felt relieved, I felt happy. The cold bodies, the soft, tender but cold women's corpses made me feel alive, hearing them beg and scream as I stabbed or shot them made me feel pure happiness, but corpses rot so I kept killing and preserving bodies in here. Now you may be wondering why you're still alive, you're almost as perfect as a corpse, you're quiet mostly, your skin pales in complexion and eyes almost a foggy grey color but the best part is........ Your body isn't as warm as the other girls, you're just right" he stopped and smiled a sinister smile.

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