Starting School

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Today was my first day of my last year of highschool. I was nervous and scared.I didn't think I would fit in anywhere. But when I got to my room,I noticed there was a lot of kids like me. One which caught my eye. She was a girl. Beautiful long white hair with beautiful blue eyes. She was perfect. I didn't even realize I was staring at her until I look at her beautiful eyes and they were looking straight at me. I started blushing fiercely. What do I do. That was when I noticed she was walking straight up to me.

 That was when I noticed she was walking straight up to me

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"Hi! You must be the new girl. My names Isa. Isa Evergreen. And I'm 19. How about you? What's your name and age?" She asked. I stood there shocked for a moment. Before I finally answered. "U-umm my name is Mac. M-Mac Stone. I-I'm 18." I stuttered. I was so embarrassed. "Nice," she said, "come on let me show you around!" She started tugging on me so I followed her. When we got to her group of friends, she started to introduce me to all of them. There was Cassy, who had long black hair and green eyes. Emma, who had short blonde and white hair and brown eyes. And lastly Eniya. She had short black hair with blue eyes.

 She had short black hair with blue eyes

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"Hey omg we should take a picture together for the for the class billboard!" Isa said excitedly

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"Hey omg we should take a picture together for the for the class billboard!" Isa said excitedly. "Uhhh o-ok," I said nervously. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of us. She even put the cat filter on it.

The picture was cute, I have to admit

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The picture was cute, I have to admit...but I looked so awkward. I wish I could just run and hide. But she was dragging me around everywhere. Introducing me to everybody, showing me around the school, etc. She even showed me the class billboard. It had tons of pictures on it from through the the years. And soon my picture was gonna be on it. You know it would be a lot worse if she wasn't in the picture with me. So I guess I should consider myself lucky.

Time skip

It was finally lunch time. Great cuz I was starving. Isa asked me to sit next to her and her friends at lunch. Obviously I said yes. I wasn't gonna deny that offer. It was a great opportunity to get to know her better. At lunch she mostly talked to her friends. Until about the last 20 minutes. That's was when she began to notice and talk to me more. "So ummm, I was just wondering if you wanted my number. That way we could text and call." She said. I nodded my head as she pulled out a sticky note and started writing. She passed it to me and it was her number, her snapchat, and her instagram. I accepted the piece of paper and put it into my back pocket. Finally the bell rang to go back to class.

  Time skip

It was finally the end of my first day. I guess it wasn't as bad as I imagined. It was actually pretty good. I rode the bus home. When I got home I immediately heard yelling. Great. My parents were arguing again. I managed to get past my parents and upstairs to my room. I quickly locked my door so they couldn't come in. I lye down on my bed and think about everything that happened today. Isa sat by me all day during class and at lunch. That was when I remembered, I had her number. So to take my mind off of the fighting, I texted her.



Is this Isa?

Yes and you are?

It's Mac from school

Omg hiiiii

What's up

Nothin much you?

We texted for about an hour before she asked to call. I picked up and we called almost all night. In fact, I almost fell asleep on call with her. I had to make sure I didn't though. Because that would've been so embarrassing. "Well I think I should probably get some sleep," I said, "we have school tomorrow after all." She agreed and I hung up the phone. Though, I had a strange feeling in my stomach. It made me happy. It's been a long time since I was happy, but when I was talking to her, all my problems seemed to just disappear. It was weird and I wanted to know why I was feeling this way. But I guess I'll just find out eventually.


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