Chapter 13

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CHRIS found Milly on a bench in the courtyard, working on chemistry homework. Sometimes she did it to feel normal, and other times she did to keep herself preoccupied.

She missed her cellphone more than ever, but she was making do without it.

"Why is the squad telling me you told them to... touch themselves?" Chris whispers that last part once she's sat down next to her friend.

"Because I did," Milly says delightedly, looking up from her notepad.

"Mildred! You're not supposed to drink and drive."

"And I didn't drink a thing. Not even water."

"Then why would you tell them that?" Chris keeps her voice down, fearing someone might hear in passing. "The boys are falling into a sexual purgatory. Word spread like wildfire, now no girl has been with a guy since Chet's party."

"Boo-hoo," Milly returned to her notes.

"Boo-hoo? You're a menace," Chris scolds in spite of the grin on her face.

"And you're playing for the wrong team, doll."

The blonde tilted her head, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"That we're going to take a quaint trip to the book store after school."

And even though Chris was equally confused as she was concerned, she let her best friend drive her into town. She waited outside whilst Milly headed into the store, entirely oblivious to the goings on inside.

Milly sucked on a lollipop, innocently strolling around the bookstore in search of one book in particular. And she found it in the back like it was the Restricted Section at Hogwarts.

But grabbing a copy of Sexual Behavior in the Human Female by Alfred C. Kinsey, she then headed to another aisle, taking the dust jacket off a copy of Moby Dick and coated it onto the sexually enlightening text she truly intended to buy.

The cashier didn't blink an eye at the difference in weight or size of the book, charging her for Moby Dick. And still sucking on her lollipop, Milly left the store, her new book held close to her chest.

Chris watched as her friend pushed the door open with her back, twirling until she was stood in front of her, and then she handed the book over all in one swift motion.

Chris looked over the cover, unimpressed, "Moby Dick? Is this some kind of joke?"

Milly shrugged, "Open it and find out." And without another word, Milly turned away and strolled down the sidewalk, licking her lollipop.

She smirked at the sound of a breaking the surface of water type of gasp behind her.

The blonde raced to catch up. "Milly, do you know the kind of trouble I could get in if I'm caught with this?"

"What? They'll lock you up?" she pressed her wrists together, winking suggestively. 

Chris pulled her arms down, drawing them both to a stop on the side of the walkway.

"Besides, what does your parents have against whales anyway?"

"I have a feeling it isn't whales my parents have a problem with," Chris mutters sullenly.

"Okay. Then what?" Milly scoffs a laugh. "Is it education? It's written by a biologist."

"A biologist and sexologist!" Chris stage whispers.

"So? The guy knows his stuff about the human body. It could hardly hurt to pick his brains on that kinda knowledge." Milly began to lick her lollipop again, Chris' glower only intensifying.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 • Neil PerryWhere stories live. Discover now